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no but they just call it that because of the many countriesw involved. (Brazil wasn't really involved in World War 2. neither was madagascar.)

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it might not have involved the whole world but it effected most of it with deaths, fighting, and economy

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Mostley everyone joined in but some countries were not involved

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Q: Was the whole world involved in World War 2?
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About 50 nations fought in WW2 but basically the whole world was involved.

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yes, very It is very significant event because basically the whole world has been involved. And it says WORLD war so it must be important to everyone.

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the whole war that's why its called world war

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They were called world wars because most large military powers in the world were involved, and it affected the whole world. It also was the single biggest conflict that involved so many nations at the same time. As a matter of fact second world war was spread across continents and had the biggest human casualties ever.

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World War I World War II Afganistan War(After 2001) Plus many small wars in its country

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Venezuela was involved in world war 2 by pope Gregory

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By definition, a world war encompasses the whole world.