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Q: Was there a war in Thailand?
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Why did Thailand get involved in the Vietnam War?

Thailand was an ally of the US.

Did Thailand allow Japanese troops to move freely in their country in world war 2?

no, because Thailand was in war with the Japanese

Did Thailand ever declare war against US?

Thailand declared war on the United States and Great Britain on 25 January 1942,

What wars has Thailand been in?

The vietnam war

Who is in war with Thailand?

right now? NO ONe

What did Thailand do during World War II?

Thailand did not take part in World War Two, although it was occupied by the Japanese and British for a short time.

How was Thailand involed in the Axis World War 2 alliance?

Thailand supplied sympathizer's to the Japanese Army.

Where was the Vietnam war with Thailand located?

More than half the B52 bomber force was based in Thailand.

What is thailands national colours?

Blue is Thailand's national color and it represents the Thai monarchy. The blue is also used to honor Thailand's World War

Is Cambodia still at war?

Has no more physical wars, except emotional war with Thailand.

Was thailand considered a combat zone in Vietnam war?

In 1969 my orders indicated that Thailand was classified as a "Limited Combat Zone"