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Bad news sell's more newspapers than good news does. And the news media (during the war) highly exaggerated GI casualties from those disorders. See: (GEN Westmoreland's) Statistics from the Vietnam War (Recommended by the History Channel). Beginning in WWI (1917-1918, when the US entered WWI) the US Military began testing recruits. During the Viet War, inductees-had "US" stamped on their dog tags (Conscripts, Draftees) & "RA's" (Regular Army volunteers), had to be physically examined from head to foot, even a chest X-Ray, eye test, color blind tests, mental IQ test (written GT test); then 8 weeks of boot camp (basic combat infantryman's training). Together, all of this, would normally weed out any non-qualified men. However, living with their own brethren 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, month after month, gave more strength, and built more confidence in the new recruit, than any other formalized type of education/training (mental) could ever have done. In SOME cases, some of these men never had a father, or brother, or the military had become HIS FAMILY. This is why, when on the battlefield; a GI doesn't fight for flag & country, like civilians love to believe. He's fighting the enemy so that he does NOT let his brothers down. And sometimes, he will risk his life to save his buddies, which in war (actually on the battlefield) is really his FAMILY.

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10y ago

Following the Vietnam War, many soldiers came back with PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is a mental illness that comes from seeing or experiencing horrific things. It results in depression, flashbacks, anxiety, and increases the risk of a person committing suicide.

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