Accidental deaths from everyday life. But not from the cold war...because that's just a title given to the military stand-off between the US and USSR. There was no actual war fought.
It was alled the cold war because it wasn't an actual war. Compared to a "hot" war (a standard war with actual conflict/battles) this "war" was "cold" because there wasn't any fighting. It was a world wide rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States, but there wasn't any actual fighting
I assume the term Hot War is meant to be in contrast to the term Cold War. Hot wars, in relationship to the Cold War, is any type of conflict which has actual conflict resulting in violence and possible death in an open and overt arena.
The cold war did not take place in any specific location. It did however involve the United States and Russia because they were the only super powers left in the world after WWII.
they didn't have any place to put their pets because the war was every where... :(
Because WWII had the most bloodshed total, meaning its had the highest death total of any war ever.
Sure; people die any and every day. Hallowee is just more associated with death because of it's roots.
No because you would burn to death in the day or freeze to death in the night. So if you hade a sort of suit that resisted fire and cold winds, you could live there but I don't think you'll be getting that money anytime soon.
any and any other are different because its like every and every other, get it?
no cold war means that no bombs fell or killing hot war does mean death cold war people just hated each other.
Because the explorers confront death at every step of their expeditions and in case of any unfortunate eventuality, without any hefty corpus, their families will be put into severe financial stress after such critical situation.
Because after drinking any hard liquor you will forget all about your cold/saw throat.
Because vampires are cold-blooded.
no because they would freeze to death and die
There is no such day, sadly people die every day.
Every Langauge. You can look up ANY langauge ya want and its THERE.
no because its to cold for any plant life.
no, because it has no gravity and the temperature is extremly cold