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Q: Was world war 1 france's fault?
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Who was assassination started World War 1?

Frances Ferdinand

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Britain, US, Russia, Canada, Australia.

Who was Frances leader during World War 1?

Hugh G. Rection

Was it actually Jews fault in World War 1?

no, it was your mom

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What was Frances government like before world war 1?

it was basically just a parliamentary democracy

Who were Frances competitors in World War 1 and World War 2?

During World War I France went against the Central Powers, which included Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary.

How did Adolf Hitler lead Germany to start world war ll?

He told all of Germany that it wasn't their fault for losing World War 1. He said it was instead the Jews fault.

Why were airplanes unsafe in WW1?

its all fransisco dang fault he caused the world war 1

What was NOT included in the final set of treaties that ended World War 1?

There was no admission by the Germans claiming they were at fault for the war or that they had been defeated. Really, the war was the fault of the Austrians and Hungarians being so terrible to the Serbians and Bosnians.

Who took full responsibility for world war 1 in the Treaty of Versailles?

Germany was force to take full responsibility of World War I even though it was Sumeria's fault...

What countries fault is it for World War 1?

Not one specific country was at fault for the causing word war 1, its more of the contribution of all the countries that caused it for different reasons, but the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, by a Bosnian revolutionary, Gavrilo Princip, set everything into motion.