All of the states were treated fairly, but some didn't think they were. The southern states that eventually left the union thought that the state should have the ultimate authority over its people. The Federal Government disagreed, and the southern states believed that because they didn't get a say in it that they were treated unfairly.
Ex-Confederates were treated fairly during Reconstruction. After the war ended, ex-Confederates who laid down their weapons were not persecuted or treated unfairly.
the bonus army was treated unfairly because they were the veterans from WW1 and the at first they were going to pay them but at the end they didn't pay them any money they march an may-july 1932
No, most Germans thought the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War 1, was grossly unfair.
Fairly well, but if taken as a POW they were treated harshly. Andersonville was a confederate prisoner of war camp in the final12 months of the civil war. War crimes were committed in this prison of union soldiers. They had lack of food, water, and lived in unsanitary conditions. Of the 45,000 men held there nearly 13,000 died from scurvy, diarrhea, and dysentery.
They were held as prisoners of war. What that entailed depended upon the "enemy" who caught them. In Britain we often made prisoners of war work, but on the whole we treated them fairly well. In Japan many prisoners were treated extremely badly and were frequently tortured.
Quebec was treated unfairly by the Canadian government during John Diffnbaker's era
Lawful minorities have a right to be considered and treated fairly by the Government in a democracy.
Yes, men and women should be treated fairly. Girls should be treated fairly as boys are.
Quakers were not treated fairly in England they were being prosecuted by the English
If they are rich they can be treated fairly well...
women were treated fairly by their families in France.
The type of government that the Americans did want was a african american because by the time slavery ended african american were free but not treated fairly.
how was the veterans bonus army treated
They are treated more than fair.
to be treated with respect and treated fairly, and also to be told the truth.
environmental protection agency