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Q: Were mines dropped from planes during World War 2?
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Fighting techniques and weapons first used during World War 1?

Underground mines were blown up planes tanks lewis gun and heaps more search on ww1 new inventions

How many mines in the world?

234billoin mines are in the world

How many of the German bombs and mines that were dropped on England did not explode?

becky smith

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What did the poles hide in the Wrelickzka Salt Mines in Poland during World War 2?

Don't know

What did the Clyde river patrol do?

During WW2 they patrolled the upper and lower reaches of the Clyde to gourock looking for any mines dropped by the Luftwaffe and generally did a 'policing' job on the river. My father served with them.

What does it mean when iPhone screen is cloudy around the edges?

I had dropped my phone in water and mines doing that.

How many types of mines are there in the world?

There are various types of mines in the world, including open-pit mines, underground mines, placer mines, and drift mines. Each type of mine is designed for different geological conditions and extraction methods.

What role did animals play in warfare during World War 2?

Delivering information and finding the enemy and mines

How many gold mines?

It is unknown how many actual gold mines there are or where. There where many gold mines during the gold rush and after.

How many vessels did magnetic mines destroy in World War 2?

There were many types of mines used in World War Two. Magnetic mines were some of them.

Name 3 weapons that were used during world war 1?

Mustard Gas Mines Barbed Wire Machine Guns