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Ginger Jews, maybe. Without blue eyes and light hair, probably.

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No, redheads were not a target.

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Q: Were redheads killed during the holocaust?
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What type of people were killed during the Holocaust and how many?

The Holocaust was the attempted extermination of Europe's Jews. About six million were killed during the Holocaust.

How may infants were killed in the Holocaust?

about 1.5 MILLION children & infants were killed during the holocaust.

How many people were killed in the holocaust other than Jews?

People that were killed during the Holocaust in addition to the millions of Jews were the Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. Also killed were Gypsies, Poles, Soviet POWs, and slaves in Eastern Europe.

How many Jews are alleged to have been killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust?

6,000,000 Jews were killed during the holocaust.

How many Jews were killed during the holocaust'?

The official figure is that 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

What did Jews want during the holocaust?

to not be killed

Who Killed The Kids during the Holocaust?


Were babies killed during the holocaust?


How many people got killed in the holocaust that got killed were children?

Out of 13 Million People who were killed during the Holocaust, only about 1.3-1.7 Million Children were killed during the Holocaust. Majority of the Children were under the ages of 13 years old.

Was there more African slaves killed during slavery or Jews during the Holocaust?

More Jews killed during the Holocaust. Over 6,000,000 (6 million) Jews were killed during the Holocaust. The Jews used for slave labor and medical testing that died aren't part of that number.

What group had 6 million people killed during the Holocaust?

The Nazis organized the holocaust

Who was mostly killed during the Holocaust?

Mostly Jews