they where very rich until the 13th amendment was signed (after the civil war) and southern plantation owners had to let their slaves free and did not have any help working on their plantations.
That much is true in almost any conflict, the middle and lower class do the fighting and the dying while the wealthy and privileged pull the strings. Very few slave owners ever carried a rifle or a musket. Rural farmers came out of the Southern States--Kentucky, Tennessee, etc; unlike Northerners, they could not afford the legal practice used in Northern states of "buying" a stand-in for their military duties. Towards the end of the war, plantation owners and the wealthy landed class in the South took up arms to bolster the tremendous losses they suffered in a last heroic effort to "save the glorious South".
According to most people I know ,the most average city in the world is London, Ontario. Possibly because it has lower class, high class, just above or below middle class, but alomost no middle class familys there.
It is basic economics: if slavery is outlawed, they lose their property (slaves) and their ability to make a living (growing crops). They also have to compete for jobs and goods with the freed slaves, and deal with the consequences of an impoverished lower class. Of course, they could have just paid their ex-slaves a lower wage, which is what happened after Reconstruction.
There were always social classes. A lot of it depended on which family you were born in. For example, if you were born into a lower class family then it was more than likely you were going to be low class to, and vice versa.
'un soldat de 2ème classe' is a 'second-class soldier', the lower rank of militarymen in France.
so they could get more money as they built up a plantation.
Runaways on plantations often disrupted work schedules, leading to lower productivity and financial losses for plantation owners. Additionally, the escape of enslaved individuals challenged the authority of plantation owners and instilled fear among other enslaved individuals. In some cases, runaways sought refuge with nearby communities or formed maroon societies, further complicating plantation owners' efforts to maintain control.
The southern colonies were primarily settled by English colonists seeking economic opportunities, religious freedom, and land ownership. The Virginia Company established the first successful colony at Jamestown in 1607, followed by the founding of Maryland by Lord Baltimore in 1634. The Carolinas were settled by English planters in the late 17th century, while Georgia was established as a buffer colony by James Oglethorpe in 1732. These colonies relied heavily on cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo, and utilized enslaved labor from Africa to support their agricultural economies.
because they doesn't have choice because the their where to little in money so the cotton gin can help
Yes, he was in the upper class. Jefferson was VERY rich and owned a plantation called Monticello in Virginia. He had hundreds of slaves tend to the thousands of acres of land he owned
The class system typically consisted of three main levels: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class. The upper class comprised of the wealthiest and most privileged individuals, while the middle class included professionals, business owners, and skilled workers. The lower class encompassed manual laborers and individuals with low income or social status.
That much is true in almost any conflict, the middle and lower class do the fighting and the dying while the wealthy and privileged pull the strings. Very few slave owners ever carried a rifle or a musket. Rural farmers came out of the Southern States--Kentucky, Tennessee, etc; unlike Northerners, they could not afford the legal practice used in Northern states of "buying" a stand-in for their military duties. Towards the end of the war, plantation owners and the wealthy landed class in the South took up arms to bolster the tremendous losses they suffered in a last heroic effort to "save the glorious South".
In 1675 the lower class citizens of Virginia wanted to expand and gain cheaper land. The Yeoman farmers and non land holders wanted the government to expel or kill the Indians that were in the way of their expansion. In order to protect the upper class wealthy plantation owners, and have a ready supply of people for labor their plantation, both plantation owners and Governor Berkeley did not want this for the lower class. Against Governor Berkeley's orders, a militia attacked the Native Americans. In rebellion to these attacks the Native Americans started to raid the outer farms and plantations killing lower class colonists. Nathaniel Bacon, leader of the militia, asked Governor Berkeley for military protection from these raids. When Governor Berkeley denied them military protection against the attacks, again against the Berkeley's orders Bacon's militia attacked the native Americans. Berkley then had Bacon declared a traitor and was arrested. After Bacon's release, Bacon still angry at Berkeley for how he and the lower class people had been treated, gathered a militia together and marched against Berkeley driving him into hiding, overthrowing the government, and burning Jamestown to the ground. Soon after, Bacon died suddenly of dysentery and Berkeley regained control.
There were indeed stark social differences between the North and the South in the years leading up to the American Civil War. The South was an agrarian society that largely relied on slave labor and a plantation system to drive its economy. ... Unlike the South, the North had a larger urban...
Urban society in America typically consisted of a combination of upper class, middle class, and lower class individuals. The upper class included wealthy professionals, business owners, and influential families. The middle class encompassed white-collar workers, managers, and skilled laborers. The lower class oftentimes comprised blue-collar workers, service industry employees, and individuals living in poverty.
upper class, upper middle class, lower middle class, lower class, working class and
Middle Class grew during the Industrial Revolution, skilled workers, professionals, business people, wealthy farmers, factory owners, shippers, merchants, factory owners, merchants and bankers grew wealthier than the landowners, and the aristocrats.