No the B-52 was first released in 1955, the Americans did not use jet-engined bombers in WW2, German technology was more advanced and they did have Jet engines that powered aircraft and flew in the war. So in short NO.
The aircraft photos and the types of weapons used were how the B-24 bombers were identified in the World War II.
Kamikaze is the term for Japanese suicide bombers in WWII
Europe was a close range land war, and Great Britain was used as a bomber base for US aircraft. All allied bombers could reach Germany from Britain, and all German bombers could reach England. The war with Japan was a naval war and was out of bomber range for the allies (a long range war), thus the Island Hopping campaign TO GET WITHIN BOMBING RANGE! Japan wasn't bombed until the Superfortress was develped (the Doolittle Raid was a token retaliation raid by B25 Mitchell medium bombers launched from aircraft carriers) in 1944.
the German were the first to use bombers, their first bomber was a zeppelin invented by Edward zeppelin
They were used to warn people of impending attacks of bombers. Today they are used for tonados and other disaters.
In Europe in World War 1. Scouts (with the observer throwing the bombs by hand) and zeppelins were used as bombers, but before the end of the war the bomber had evolved into a task-oriented war machine.
The function of bombers is to bomb the enemy.
The aircraft photos and the types of weapons used were how the B-24 bombers were identified in the World War II.
There are many single engine aircraft used as dive bombers and torpedo bombers that could be cited if this were the aim of the question - was it?
Air superiority. Bombers. Fighters. The 8th Air Force
The Germans and the allies had bombers in WWI, but not in great numbers. The bomber came into its own in WWII.
i dont know im asking you?
fighters,bombers,and cargo planes primarily.
i don't know exactly but American bombers shot down 2/3 of all planes shot down by America
Fighters (Hellcats); Dive Bombers (Dauntless); Torpedo Bombers (Avengers); Medium Bombers (Mitchells); Heavy Bombers (Superfortress).
Fighter planes and bombers.