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Yes. The .50 caliber machine gun was developed for use on armored vehicles. A lighter version was designed for use in aircraft.

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Q: Were there fifty caliber bullets used in World War 2?
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Can 38 caliber bullets be used in a 357 magnum?

No. <><><> Above is correct- however, ,38 Special CARTRIDGES can be used in a .357 magnum revolver. The .38 Special is actually not .38 caliber, but .357 caliber. .38 caliber bullets, such as used in the .38 S&W catridge, cannot be used.

What size bullets are used in AA guns?

Depends on the caliber.

How do you calculate caliber?

"caliber" as used in the firearms world can either mean just the bullet diameter, or the inside measure of bore diameter, expressed as a decimal fraction of an inch. And "caliber" can also mean the complete name of a specific cartridge, which might be quite different from some other one using the same caliber bullets. Examples: The caliber ".357 magnum" uses .357" (or 357/1000 inch) bullets. The caliber ".308 Winchester" uses .308" bullets. But the caliber ".30-06 Springfield" ALSO uses those same .308 bullets. But it's a different "caliber" because it's not the same cartridge. The .30-06 has a much longer case that holds more gunpowder.

What caliber of bullets does the Glock 30 fire?

A Glock 30 is a very dangerous weapon and should only be used by those trained to operate one. That being said, the Glock 30 fires 10mm caliber bullets.

What does the riot shield do?

A riot shield is usually used by police officers to cover themselves to be protected from thrown missiles and small caliber bullets.

Which is the best 38 caliber ammunition?

Best for what? 38 Wadcutter is a flat front bullet used in target competition, that is highly accurate, has low recoil, and clips a neat clean hole in a paper target. Heavier solid bullets are used for hunting, and fast light hollow point bullets are used for defense.

How big is a 50 caliber bullet?

Any bullet that has a diameter of one half inch is a .50 caliber bullet. There are different .50 caliber bullets- my Hawken muzzle loading rifle shoots a .50 caliber lead bullet, but different from the .50 Browning Machine Gun (that is also used in the .50 Barret sniper rifle)

Can kevlar stop a 50 caliber?

Kevlar is used to stop some bullets. Normally it will stop pistol rounds but other rounds , especially an anti tank round.

What was phosphorus used for during World War 2?

Matches, bombs and incendiary bullets.

What are bullets used for in word?

Bullets are used for listing items or actions

What caliber bullets did Japanese rifles in World War 2 use?

The Arisaka Type 38 Rifle and the Arisaka Type 44 Rifle both used a 6.5 mm bullet whereas the Arisaka Type 99 Rifle used a 7.7 cartridge . The Nambu Type 14 Handgun used an 8 mm cartridge .

What type of machine gun did they put on aircrafts in World War 2?

Nearly all US planes were armed with the deadly "Fifty" caliber machine gun. Everyone else used either their 8mm, .303, or 7.7mm calibers. Discounting cannons.