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Promote their interests without directly engaging with each other

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Did germany have a civil war?

No. But Prussia did engage in a series of wars with other countries in order to unite all the German states of Europe in the 1860s.

How did decolonization and independence movements in the third world lead to many of the proxy wars?

The population of third-world countries once ruled for a long time by other countries, like India or the Congo, often rise up in protest in their quests for independence, thereby causing several proxy wars.

What idea from the Cold War is most similar to this scenario?

Arms race

What kind of war was the us involved in from 1946-1991?

From 1946-1991, the United States was involved with the Soviet Union in what is now called the Cold War. This conflict did not see the two superpowers go to war directly, but both countries fought each other based on political ideologies and differences through "proxy wars". Two well-known proxy wars were the Korean and Vietnam Wars, where the United States backed the South Korean and the South Vietnamese governments in order to prevent the spread of the Soviets' totalitarian empire.

What lesson can be learned from the mistakes of the Cold War?

Proxy wars are better than wars on your own teritory.

Why was colonialism successful for the mother country?

the smaller countries were weaker, and the armies of the mother country could easily overtake them. many proxy wars were fought that resulted in colonialism as well.

How did proxy wars impact other people?

it messed us up

How is the Cold War different from other wars Ex World War 2 and the Revolutionary War?

The cold war included no actual combat. It was fought with threats of nuclear warfare. Also fought with "proxy" wars. (Vietnam and Korea) The soviets supported North Korea, and the US supported South Korea. These were wars fought between the two countries through other countries.

How were the proxy wars of east Asia different than those of the middle east and Afghanistan?

The Proxy Wars in Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Afghanistan actively pitted Communist guerrillas or armies (supported by the Soviets and Chinese - Communist-bloc) against Capitalist/Fascist dictatorships (supported by the US and NATO - Capitalist-bloc). Conversely, the Proxy Wars in the Middle East did not involve Communist guerrillas, but rather the Communist-bloc stood by Arab Socialism and the Capitalist-bloc stood by Israel and convenient other allies.The other major difference is that the Proxy Wars in Southeast Asia and East Asia were, by and large, successful for the Communist-bloc, but the Proxy Wars in the Middle East were, by and large, successful for the Capitalist-bloc.

How do you play as proxy in Star Wars the force unleashed for ds?

cant ive tried

How do you play as proxy on star wars the force unleashed?

Just type up prototype

Was the cold war one of the bloodiest wars in history?

A large majority of the cold war was fought in other countries land-but the main conflict was between Russia and the USA. The Cold War was made up of proxy wars, in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. Although I do not know the death toll, it was very, very bloody.