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what happen was north Vietnam and South Vietnam were fighting. The u.s helped South Vietnam by boming north Vietnam later the president of the u.s sign a paper saying that all souldiers in vietnam should go back to the u.s alot of ppl got injured or hurt in that war.............. ps I came from vietnam and cam speak the launged fluetly (-:

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Vincent Kemmer

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โˆ™ 3y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

what happen was north vietnam and south vietnam were fighting. The u.s helped south vietnam by boming north vietnam later the president of the u.s sign a paper saying that all souldiers in vietnam should go back to the u.s alot of ppl got injured or hurt in that war.............. ps I came from vietnam and cam speak the launged fluetly (-:

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Q: What Happen during the Vietnamese war?
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1946-1954 & 1955-1975.

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Observed activities during the war: working.

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