Russia was fighting only one nation during that time frame; Japan.
They had recently (1905) won a series of conflicts with Russia In 1902 they signed a treaty with Britain.
Japan had 5th columnists inside Russia during the 1904-1905 war, supporting the anti-czartists. The unsuccessful 1905 revolution was a rehearsal for the 1917 successful revolution.
The Russo-Japanese War, fought in 1905-06, in which Japan defeated Russia.
It left Russia's problems mostly unsolved
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Russia was fighting only one nation during that time frame; Japan.
Japan defeated Russia in 1905 in the Russo-Japanese War.
Russia lost to Japan in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-1905.
Battle of Tsushima between Russia and Japan 1905.
Russia lost the war with Japan in either 1904 or 1905. I think the war between the countries started in 1904 and ended in 1905.
In response to Japan's attack on Port Arthur, Manchuria, Russia went to war with Japan in 1904-1905. This war was known as the Russo-Japanese War.
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