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The WW2 B-29 Superfortress (the same type that dropped the atomic bombs) were used during the Korean War.

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Q: What Military bombers planes were used in Korea war?
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Are commercial planes and military planes different?

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What were some types of planes used by the Japanese during World War 2?

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at the start of the war only 25lb bombs were used, later 50lbs on fighter bombers in 1939, 100lbs bombs of light bombers such as the mosquito, 200lbs bombs on a mix of planes and later ww2 fighter bombers such as the tempest, 250lbs were used on a range of role, 500lbs on medium bombers, 1000lbs on heavy bombers, 2000lbs on heavy bombers, 8000lbs on the Lancaster, 12,000lb earthquake bombs on specially outfitted Lancaster, 22,000lb bombs on specially outfitted Lancaster

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The first airplanes where used as private planes until the military required there services and where used as recon planes during the World Wars.

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the top ten heaviest jet planes are those that are used by the military. The C-17's are heavy jet planes that are used to carry heavy equipment..