It's highly probable that the last battleships; USS Pennsylvania, USS New York, USS Arkansas, USS Nevada, and the battleship IJN Nagato were the last battleships ever sunk. These vessels were sunk during tests (target practice) from 1946 thru 1948.The only record of a battleship being sunk in May 2009 is the WW2 battleship AP-145 (known as both the USS Gen. Harry Taylor and the USNS Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg) which was sunk off the Florida coast to provide an artificial reef on May 27, 2009.
USN battleship USS New York (BB34), sunk in the Pacific as a target in 1948.
The Japanese Navy figured it was better for the battleship Yamato to go down fighting; rather than being ingloriously sunk at her moorings.
In 1915, the British ocean liner Lusitania was torpedoed by a German u-boat (submarine) and sunk because the central powers believed the ship was being utilized to transport contraband (war materials) to the United Kingdom.
Possibly less than a dozen SS merchant ships were torpedoed by I-Boats off the coasts of Oregon, Washington, and California. Only the battleship, USS Oklahoma is known to be sunk between California and Hawaii; along with a cluster of US Navy cruisers, destroyers, and submarines sunk as targets after the war. The USS Oklahoma sunk after the war in '46, while being towed to Calfornia for re-cycling (scrapping), her cables snapped (parted) and she sunk at sea. Oklahoma was raised from the bottom of Pearl Harbor after being sunk there on December 7, 1941 (she sunk twice).
War time or peace time? In peace time, the major warships sunk in the ocean have been: 1. Battleship USS Oklahoma, sunk while under tow to California after WWII. 2. Battleship USS Arkansas, sunk by an Atomic Bomb, during testing in the Pacific in 1946. 3. Battleship USS Nevada, sunk for target practice in the Pacific. 4. Battleship USS Pennsylvania, sunk for target practice in the Pacific. 5. Battleship USS New York, sunk for target practice in the Pacific. Wartime, in the ocean: British Battleship HMS Prince of Wales was sunk by Japanese airplanes in the Pacific (South China Sea-part of the Pacific). Japanese Battleship IJN Yamato, sunk by US airplanes in the Pacific. German Battleship DKM Bismarck, sunk itself in the Atlantic.
No such vessel was sunk in 1993.
Battleship Yamato.
The USS Maine.
The golfer sunk the putt. The man's canoe tipped over and his wallet sunk to the bottom of the creek. A battleship sunk the enemy's ship.
It's highly probable that the last battleships; USS Pennsylvania, USS New York, USS Arkansas, USS Nevada, and the battleship IJN Nagato were the last battleships ever sunk. These vessels were sunk during tests (target practice) from 1946 thru 1948.The only record of a battleship being sunk in May 2009 is the WW2 battleship AP-145 (known as both the USS Gen. Harry Taylor and the USNS Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg) which was sunk off the Florida coast to provide an artificial reef on May 27, 2009.
The Maine
underwater(it was sunk) at Pearl harbor.
President McKinley.
The Titanic was advertised as "unsinkable". Sank in 1912 in the North Atlantic after hitting an ice berg.The German battleship SMS Ostfrieslandwas claimed to be an unsinkable "super-battleship". It was sunk in 1921.The German Battleship Bismarckwas also claimed to be unsinkable but was sunk after a fierce sea-battle in 1941.
Battleship USS Nevada was sunk twice; at Pearl Harbor she grounded herself, so she wouldn't sink in the channel, thus blocking it. After WW2, she was sunk as a gunnery target in the Pacific. Battleship USS Oklahoma was sunk at Pearl Harbor; sold for re-cycling (scrap), she sunk while under tow to California, half way out from Hawaii.