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Depending on the Nationality of the Soldier, his weapons would vary, Usually a standard bolt-action rifle, no sidearms, usually a bayonet for trench raiding/close quarters. They had a uniform, Standard combat helmet, boots, leggings. A large pack containing water, munitions, gas mask, mills bombs/potato mashers (grenades) sometimes percussive (rifle) grenades, bedroll, iron rations, greatcoat, underclothes, mess tin. Basically, everything they needed to survive. They weren't usually wearing this all the time of course, this is just what they brought with them to the trenches, or during offensives.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

His weapon, ammo, cleaning kit, helmet, bayonet, first aid kit, gas mask, entriching tool, canteen with cup, mess kit with knife, fork and Spoon, rations, poncho, usually a blanket, and personal hygine items (toothbrush & paste or powder, foot powder, razor, and soap) many had a watch, spare pair of socks and a Bible.
Typically a US soldiers kit consisted of either a wool or herringbone twill uniform depending on which theatre he fought in. Brown combat boots or ankle boots with leggings were the most common footwear. His cartridge belt was of WW1 design. Made of cotten it had grommeted holes punched in it which corresponded with wire hangers on various gear like canteens, bayonets and ammo pouches. Thus these items could be placed on the belt or removed without taking the belt off. His back pack carried his folding shovel, mess, shaving and toiletry kit, sewing kit, extra socks or other clothing and extra cans of food known as c-rations. The pack also supported either a shelter half, blanket or a sleeping bag, depending on what the solider was issued. The pack was also of WW1 design but as the war progressed new modern packs were introduced. Also from WW1 was the gas mask. Gas was rarely used in WW2 but every soldier carried one just in case. The soldier carried his gas mask in a bag that was carried on his thigh. At the start of the war, the US soldier wore left over trench helmets from WW1. By 1942, a new, more protective design was introduced which gave the US infantryman better protection. This new helmet would be worn by the military for the next forty years.
US soldiers entered combat weighted down with a lot of equipment. Those who lived through the first few days soon learned to discard most of this, so they could move faster, take cover quickly, and try to stay alive. The usually ditched their gas mask, shelter half (one-half of a pup tent), and quit carrying boxes of rations (food), depending on supply to get them food after dark.

They kept their entrenching tool, so they could dig their hole to get in at night, or anytime they stopped for a while. Their canteen, for water, and their first aid kit. Their overcoat, if it was cold, or their raincoat, it if was warm. An extra pair of socks, so they could put on dry ones every day. Ammunition - usually 200 rounds, or twenty-five clips for the M-1 rifle. A few grenades.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

In their packs all soldiers would have to carry food rations, a water flask, dry clothes, a short spade and ammunition. They carried their gun in their hand and towrds the end they would also carry a gas mask.

Some soldiers would also have to carry extras such as cooking equipment, digging tools, medical supplies, maps and communication equipment.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The German infantry man would aways carry the staderd mauser 98k it holds five rounds. Also the steilhandgranate it holded sven ounces of gun powder and expolde in 4 and a half seconds. Plus mostley officers carried it the 9mm luger. pluse you know canteen, compass, map, some food, mess kit, helment, and ammo.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the winchester semi auto rifle bayonette helmet uniform thats it

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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