By supporting the Confederates.
They were wanting influence in Mexico, and it would have suited them to have a new nation, pro-French, in between Mexico and the US.
Lincoln trumped them with his Emancipation Proclamation, officially turning the war into a crusade against slavery, so that free nations abroad could not aid the Confederates without looking pro-slavery themselves.
Britain and France were not involved in the American Civil War. The Confederacy asked for Britain's help but they did not get involved.
Both sides in the Spanish Civil War received aid from outside Spain. France did not receive aid during or as a result of the Spanish Civil War.
The north
Poor sanitation conditions was the primary cause of most of the diseases during the American Civil War.
They supported both sides during the war
Mexico was occupied by France during the American Civil war.
His actions helped to spark-off the American Civil War.
During the American Civil War both sides tried to get help, but the Confederacy had a bit more bargining power in-so-far-as they were able to export tobacco and cotton, however Great Britain and France stayed out of the American Civil War.
Britain and France were not involved in the American Civil War. The Confederacy asked for Britain's help but they did not get involved.
Both sides in the Spanish Civil War received aid from outside Spain. France did not receive aid during or as a result of the Spanish Civil War.
France A+ ls
African American's in the civil war African American's in the civil war
During the Civil War the Union trade was disrupted by the Confederates cruisers, whose actions led the US merchant fleet to be nearly swept away from the seas.
Apprxomimately 164,000 Confederate soliers died from diseases during the American Civil War.
33,519 civil solidarity pacts ("PACs") were registered in Île-de-France during 2009.
West Virginia and Nevada both became states during the American Civil War, and both were Union states.West Virginia and Nevada became states during the American Civil War, and both were Union states.