The Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act of 1922 made it difficult for Europe to do business with the United States. This Tariff Act placed a power on the President of the United States to raise tariff rates by up to 50%.
The tariff raised the average duty on imports to almost fifty percent, an act designed to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. The McKinley Tariff was replaced with the Wilsonâ??Gorman Tariff Act in 1894, which promptly lowered tariff rates.
Europe was shielded by the US.
They depended on goods from Europe.
Europe was poor because of the war, they were the main export for the usa
american solidiers fought for our country
how did harding tariff laws affect europe
People in the south imported goods from Europe a lot. The tarrrif made it more expensive to import goods from out of the country.
The tariff hurt trade with other countries.
The tariff hurt trade with other countries.
The tariff hurt trade with other countries
People in the south imported goods from Europe a lot. The tarrrif made it more expensive to import goods from out of the country.
The tariff hurt trade with other countries.
The tariff hurt trade with other countries.
The tariff hurt trade with other countries.
Europe decided that they would put a tariff on all us products sold there
encouraged merchants to import by reducing or eliminating tariff rates.
encouraged merchants to import by reducing or eliminating tariff rates.