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Q: What agreements were made after World War 2?
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What agreements made war illegal in the global impact of World War 2?

The Kellogg–Briand Pact

How did the agreements made at the end of World War 1 contribute to the outbreak of World War 2?

The agreement was signed by general John pop he was the one who had beeb serious to sign the peace agreement.

What was Adolf Hitler's biggest mistake before World War 2?

Hitler made no mistakes but he only broked several agreements in the Treaty of Versailles.

Agreements Encouraging Hitler's Aggression Leading to World War 2?

Treaty of Versailles

What 2 conflicts were named world wars?

World War 1 and World War 2. World War 1 was caused due to assination World War 2 was caused due to Invasion of Poland, Allies not stopping germany from blackmailing countries and breaching the agreements of the treaty of Versailles.

Did they make a peace treatie after the world war 2?

No. The surrender documents ended the war and provided all that was needed for peace agreements.

Which two countries were placed in position of super powers Post world war 2 agreements?

U.S. and Russia

Why was Venezuela important during World War 2?

Since venezuela was impartial in the conflict, it had to give advice which led tosome agreements signed to end the war.

When was the micrwave made?

World war 2

When was the Wellington waterfront made?

It was made in 1939 when world war 2 started and got knocked down at 1945 when world war 2 finished

How many air crafts were made in World War 2?

in what country did the world war 2 start and what were the allies?

Why was the first gun made for World War 2?

To win the war