Shinto sprits are called Kami which means soul or spirit in Japanese!
A choir performanceA game of chessA boxing tournamentand so on...
I believe they were called kamikazes.
I believe they were called kamikazes.
An American born Japanese is called "Nikei America-jin" However, this question could also be referring to generations: Issei = First Generation Japanese, one who has immigrated to another country Nisei = Second Generation Japanese, the child of a Japanese immigrant Sansei= Third Generation Japanese, the grandchild of a Japanese immigrant Yonsei= Fourth Generation Japanese, the great-grandchild of a Japanese immigrant
A cyclone protected the japanese from the mongols, its was called the divine wind or kamikaze.
No; nymphs are strictly meant to be FEMALE nature spirits. This does not mean that in Greek myth there are not male nature spirits, only that the females are called nymphs. MALE nature spirits are called satyrs.
In Shinto, there are millions of gods; mostly nature spirits. Buddha is worshipped as a god, too.
Shintosim is a Japanese religion that worships political rulers and the spirits of nature, including the all-important god of rice.
Dancing with Nature Spirits was created in 1996.
You're probably talking about Shintoism. Shintoism is a religion that takes aspects of animism and blends it with Japanese culture. They believe in the worshiping of "kami" or spirits that live in nature. If you've ever seen one of those red, almost gateway looking things, those are shrines for Shintoists to leave offerings to those kami. It is a distinctly Japanese religion that stresses being one with nature.
Norse giants(also called jötunn) are members of a race of superstrong nature spirits.
The great spirits were kind and felt they should be one with nature. They liked nature. They were peaceful spirits, much like Buddha and believed one must find peace within oneself.