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Q: What are examples of companies that use defender strategy?
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Production strategies that companies can use is chase strategy, level production, make to stock, make to order, and assemble to order. Different companies use different methods depending on their goals.

What is an example of a defender type of company?

In India , when Honda started to its business then already present automobile industry named as BAJAJ ,use the defender strategy to compete with Honda . it faced low globalization pressure and its competitive assets are also not customized but these are standardized . Bajaj had a lot of workshop for the maintenance of its vehicles in whole India while Honda faced this difficulty . mechanics knew very well about the Bajaj products as it is already existed there and they were much familiar with it so bajaj used the defender strategy to compete the Honda in such a way .

What is the purpose of the Blue Ocean Strategy?

The Blue Ocean Strategy book was published in 2005 by Harvard Business School Press. The book is all about business strategies that companies use to expand their business.

What are examples of any company that use techniques of personal selling?

There are quite a few examples of companies that use techniques for personal selling. Chiropractic services are an excellent example.

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What are some examples of companies that use the line-and-staff organization structure?

Companies that use line and staff organization structure mainly include small businesses. With this structure, they know exactly who to go to for their supervision. Examples would include law offices and local restaurants.

How do you develop a marketing strategy?

You can develop a marketing strategy by looking over the companies goals. You can use radio, TV, and social media to promote your business. You may want to hire an agency or someone else to help you promote.

What kind of businesses use FIFO?

If inventory goods are perishable, then FIFO is the best method because older goods need to be sold before newer goods. Some companies use LIFO because this strategy means less taxable income (assuming that prices are increasing). Regardless, whatever strategy a business uses for statements it must also use that strategy for income tax preparation.