Pacifist, a pacifist is a person who does not believe in war or violence of any kind.
Pacifists or conscientious objectors. These are people who refuse to fight based on religious or moral principles.
I Don't Know. Too Many Deaths Of Loved Ones.
Pacifists or conscientious objectors. These are people who refuse to fight based on religious or moral principles.
its a pacifist
I Don't Know. Too Many Deaths Of Loved Ones.
He did not refuse. Thomas was not happy with this choice of battle, but that is what happens in a war. Can't pick the days you fight. He believed that it was God's will that they fight on Sunday.
the idea that led people to fight to win their independence is called?
A duel is a fight between two people
People fight because they like bananas in their ears.
why did the acadians refuse to fight the french