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The most popular ghetto jokes are your mama jokes. Some people may call the game of insulting each other The Dozens or roasting. While it can be fun to poke fun with friends, always consider the other person's feelings.

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Is ghetto a bad word?

NO! It is actually a noun or a place, most people use "ghetto" as adjective. But that is not the correct was to use it! And ghetto is not a bad word either.

How do you use ghetto in a sentence?

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Were books allowed in the Lodz ghetto?

No, but there were some books in the ghetto when it was formed.

How do you use the word ghetto in a sentence?

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What are facts about Warsaw Ghetto?

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What Words Do ghetto Mexicans use?

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Make a sentence using the word ghetto?

One day i was walking into a walmart and i was some people twirking...GHETTO?

Is California ghetto?

some of it is, i live in California, but where i live isn't all that ghetto. some really ghetto places are Oakland,Richmond,compton, and some parts of los angeles.

Why did the Jews challenge the Nazis in the ghetto?

They did some things and some stuff.

What are some good ghetto movies?

There ARE no good ghetto movies. That's a lie because I produced 5 Ghetto Movies made in Miami 2 Sides Of Life Bootleggers Flipping Out Nuttz the Black Jack-Ass Miami Boyz