The USA, English, French and Russians and some others were the Allies. Germany, Japan and Italy and a few other nations were the Axis.
Some countries have accurace (or as accurate as possible) records of who fought in their forces in World War I; but some countries for various reasons have little or no records of this information.
During the world war 2 the british was fighting with the middle east countries the other coutries were asked to help some countries such as british asked help for indians and muslims in ww1
well some crazy things happend and that would freak some other countries out and make them want to do what ever they felt like. monkey see monkey do.
Some reasons why other countries invade others is to widen their territory.
what are some ways in which caricom countries can help each other
This is because some countries have or had goods that in other countries were hard to come by, so countries traded for maximum satifaction.
There are approximately 195 countries in the world, so there could be up to 195 embassies representing each country's interests in other countries. Additionally, some countries may have multiple embassies in certain countries for specific reasons.
UN can watch it
because they love each other you dumbness
Latin America is many countries and not just one nation. Each has had its own problems and reasons for revolution.
people get in a fight when they don't agree with each other and some other reasons.
Countries trade with each other because they don't have some of the natural resources that they want.
Differ from each other in some RESPECT.
that veries from other countries governments in some aspects.
Each country (usually its "State Dept.") determines its own requirements for entry. Some have mutual agreements (for various reasons) with certain other countries in which citizens of those two countries may enter each other's country without a visa. Citizens of other countries, however, may need visas to enter these two countries. A lot of it depends on politics, as well as security. Some of it has to do with geographical & "cultural" proximity and courtesy. For instance, people from Canada wouldn't need a visa to enter the USA, nor would a foreign born person with a green card. Some European Union citizens are granted entry without a visa as well. But citizens of most other countries do need one.