It is unclear what you mean by events. Certainly the end of WWII in the Pacific and European theaters were big events. So were the A-bombs. But for pure bloodshed, nothing the US was involved in compared to the German-Russian battles on the "Eastern Front"
The Battle of Stalingrad, Moscow, and the three immense battles of Kursk, Orel and Kharkov, were the biggest battles in modern history, and more than anything else, spelled doom for Hitler.
There was the invasion of Poland by Germany. The Air Raids over London. The invasion of Normandy and Omaha beaches. There was the extermination of millions of Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies and anyone else not deemed "desirable" by Hitler and the Nazi party. There was the Attack on Pearl Harbor. The battle of Midway. The Battle of Iwo Jima. The Battle of Okinawa. The development and subsequent use of two Atomic Weapons. The suicide of Hitler. The release of the surviving captives in Concentration camps.
The bombing of Nagasagi and Hiroshima, The Day, The attack o Pearl Harbour, and the Japans invassion of the Philippines.
Russia suffered the biggest losses during WW1.
The events during World War 2, are accurately described as Germany's hold on power through France for most of the war.
The biggest battle during World War 1 was the Battle of the Somme, which took place between July and November 1916 in the Somme River valley in France. It was fought between the British and French armies against the German army. The battle resulted in heavy casualties, with over one million soldiers wounded or killed.
The events take place in 1942 and 1943, during World War II.
i think is in 1914
World War 1, World War 2.
The Great Depression=World War I==World War II=
The Great Depression=World War I==World War II=
One of the biggest world events that took place in 1928 was the second Winter Olympic Games which were held in St Moritz, Switzerland. Another major event was the Kellogg-Briand pact where sixty nations agreed to outlaw war.
no it is the 17th biggest island
fifa world cup
The biggest one that I can think of is the preparation for Y2K
World War 1 and World War 2.
Second Indochina War