A- Arbeit macht frei (Work will make you free) - words over the gates to Auschwitz and nearly all other major German concentration camps.
B- Bergen Belsen - a major concentration camp
C- Crematoria - the ovens where they would burn the bodies of gassed victims.
D- Dachau - the first permanent Nazi concentration camp
E- Einsatzgruppen - task forces responsible for the Jewish extermination behind the front line.
F- Final Solution - the program name for the extermination of Jews through systemic demoralization, imprisonment, extermination and destruction.
G- Goering - a German General and right hand man to Hitler
H- Hitler - the head of the Nazi Party and eventual Chancellor of Germany
I- Inferior populations - Hitler identified mentally and physically disabled for extermination along with dissident and politically alternative individuals.
J- Jude - German for Jew.
K- Kristallnacht - November 9, 1938 - the assault on the Jewish population in Germany.
L- Lebensraum - literally - living room (living space) - a principle which Hitler used to justify his invasion of Poland.
M- Josef Mengele - a death camp Doctor Who would perform medical and experiments on live patients. He would do horrific things including injecting chemicals of various household purposes into eyes, blood or organs to find out the effects. He also performed many twin experiments on little children.
N- Nuremburg - the city where the post surrender trials of international triumverate on war crimes were held. Many Nazis escaped responsibility by evading persecution or running from Germany and resettling in other parts of the world - including America.
O- Odessa Massacre - refers to two actual slaughters. one in August of 1941 where up to 34,000 Jews were shot to death. Another later the same year where up to 100,000 Ukranian Jews were brought there to be killed.
P- Pink Triangle - the emblem placed on male homosexual prisoners in conentration camps. Often created a second stigma which excluded them from their fellow prisoners as well.
Q- Quicklime - An alkali chemical also known as calcium oxide or caustic lime. A white powder which burns human skin on contact. Several inches of this powder were sometimes placed in the bottom of cattle cars prior to loading in Jews and other victims of Nazi roundups. It was also used in the burial of bodies in open graves, to hide the smell of decomposition
R- Roma, Romani or 'Gypsy' victims of the Holocaust.
S- Shoes - piles of shoes are a recurrent memoriam for the millions of children, women and men taken into camps and immediately destroyed.
T- Treblinka - another death camp
U- Untermensch - 'sub-human' - the term applied to inferior races such as Jews, by the German Nazis.
V- Vichy France - hardline French conservatives and Nazis who collaborated with the Germans
W- Warsaw Ghetto uprising- a most notable uprising of Jewish ghetto residents in Warsaw.
X- Zyclon-B - the gas used to eterminate Jews
Y- Yad Vashem - the Holocaust Martyrs and Remembrance Authority - in Israel
Z- Zionism - the concept of certain Jewish believers who pressed for the global recognition of the national sovereignty of Israel. It has also created great tension in the Middle East.
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Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
Where did the events of the Holocaust span?
There was no guerilla warfare in connection with the Holocaust.
The ISBN of Is the Holocaust Unique? is 0813336864.
This question doesn't make sense. Do you mean "what was the cause of the Holocaust?" Do you mean "who was responsible for the Holocaust?" Rephrase the question.
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ABCs of Attraction was created in 2005.
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The ABCs of Death was created on 2012-11-02.
Here Come the ABCs was created in 2004.
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The Grownups' ABCs of Conflict Resolution was created in 2010-10.
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