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There us still a Glass Ceiling Effect.

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Q: What are the current facts in terms of progress for minorities and women in the workplace?
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What are current facts about Motocross racing?

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What are more facts about Duke Ellington?

This question in its current form is not answerable. There are thousands of "facts" about Duke and his life.

How do you write warning letter to employee who fighting at workplace?

Writing a warning letter to an employee, regardless of the incident, can be a daunting task. Rule number one is to stick to the facts. State which rule was broken, such as fighting in the workplace, and what the consequences of further infractions will be.

Where can you find current news on financials?

The easiest to use websites for viewing current financials is called Seeking Alpha. If you prefer the hard facts and just the facts try using the financials section of News Corporation.

What are facts about Persia?

Persia is current day Iran.The language is persian(Farsi).

Is man logician?

To succeed and progress, man has to be/act rational and use logic that is based on facts. Else man is no better than an animal.

Claire Holt who is she dating?

I cannot answer this at the moment as these are current or future events - not historical facts.

What are facts about Taniwhas?

These are Maori mythological beings who live in dark caves and in water, especially where there are strong current.

What section is world almanac and book of facts?

The World Almanac and Book of Facts is typically found in the reference section of libraries or bookstores. It offers a range of information, statistics, and facts about various topics such as history, geography, sports, and current events.

Why do minorities continue in society?

What does your question mean? Are you stating that there should be no minorities? Please be specific. One could answer your question, as phrased: Because we, as a society, do not advocate genocide; however I don't believe that is what you meant. Do you mean to ask, "Why do certain groups in the United States tend to resist assimilation?", and even that assumes that certain groups do, intentionally, make efforts to resist assimilation, and assumptions are not facts.

Facts about Victorian theatres?

Victorian theater is a theater named after the queen Victoria of the 1837 to 1901 era. Facts on the Victorian theater include; blacking out the auditorium while play is in progress, flying, not only of scenery but also of actors and lavish decoration of auditorium among others.