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Q: What are the disadvantages and advantages of neutral countries of war world 1?
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then advantages is that they simply exploit the third world countries

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The us was not neutral, they were against the USSR (the evil empire)

The countries that were and neutral?

Countries in Europe that were Neutral in World War I:NorwaySwedenDenmarkNetherlandsSwitzerlandSpain

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Advantages are that everything in the virtual world is going to be organized for you. Disadvantages are that it is difficult to organize things in a virtual world.

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Advantages are that everything in the virtual world is going to be organized for you. Disadvantages are that it is difficult to organize things in a virtual world.

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Well, without trade, you would have to find/produce/beg for everything you need or want all by yourself. It is very difficult to live without at least some trading.As for disadvantages, well this is...

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its to coming 3rd world war

What are countries called who remained neutral during the war?

They are called neutral nations. These countries were neutral during World War 2: Spain, Norway, Portugal, Ireland, and Switzerland.

How many countries were neutral in World War 2?

2 countries, Switzerland, Netherlands

Which countries were the neutral countries in world war 2?

I only know one which is Brazil

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What countries were neutral in World War II?

ya mum