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The historical causes stem from the fact that certain communities were considered lesser human beings and even enslaved. The American democracy strives to represent all races in government and has protected all its citizens by the Bill of Rights in the constitution.

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The main cause was the feeling of ethnocentrism and social/racial superiority among most of the white settlers. They felt entitled to take over the continent without thinking of the consequences. The fact that they were able to conquer the Native Americans reinforced their culturally based arrogance. It also allowed them to enslave Africans to work in the fields of southern plantations. Since the owners were mostly from aristocratic backgrounds, this feeling of superiority prevented them from questioning the moral legitimacy of slavery, especially since it was condoned in The Bible.

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Q: What are the historically causes of racial inequality in the US and how has American democracy tried to achieve racial justice?
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fyhnt ]\

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