No American soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor for the battle of Iwo Jima, largely because no American soldiers fought the battle of Iwo Jima. (Marines get really mad if you call them soldiers, and Iwo Jima was a Marine action.) Twenty-three Marines and four sailors earned the Medal of Honor for this battle. Fourteen of the Medals were earned posthumously--the recipient died doing his heroic action. Only eighty-two Marines earned the Medal in all of World War II.
Marines are known for being physically strong because of the nature of their work. Many of them are very active physically and thereby building a 'in shape' physique.
In America: Soldiers are members of an army. Sailors are members of a navy. Airmen are aviation personnel, normally as members of an Air Force; Marines are Marines and are assigned to the US Navy. Surely you must mean how many US Servicemen were killed in WWII contrasted with the Vietnam War...because there ARE break-down statistics for "Soldier" casualties ONLY; for example, over 58,000 US servicemen were killed in Vietnam...of that figure, about 38,209 were US SOLDIERS. More US servicemen were killed in WWII than Vietnam.
Yes. If you are already thinking about it, you should not even go because you likely won't make it.
Around 300, some were because of ship accidents and some were when the ship was actually at battle. It is actually said to be haunted.
0200 - 0400 and 1300 - 1500
So they don't get lost at sea because they can follow the stars
1959 and I know because I am one
what does the anchor of live mean what does an anchor symbolize
High altitudes do cause drowsiness because there is less oxygen in the air, so you can't breathe normally.
because the sailors died of starvatoin
The marines had to begin because they wanted to save people that hurt and graduate
Sailors feared Poseidon, because they believed him to be the cause of earthquakes.
space marines cool because they hot before now they cool.
the marines because if u play cod4 the marines are skilled butt in mw2 the army is not well skilled
No you see because hes fat bald and ugly and marines would pick on him.
Because tattoo's are not sanctioned by the Marine Corps.