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The states are; North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, going straight down the Atlantic coast. One could also include Tennessee and Alabama since Tennessee shares part of its northern border with Virginia and part of its southern border with Alabama. Alabama shares its southern border with the northern Florida Panhandle.

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Q: What are the states between Virginia and Florida?
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There are three states between Virginia and Florida. North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

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Southeastern Freight Lines operates in the south-eastern states, including Texas in the west to Florida and Virginia in the east, and all states in between.

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You would go likely go through 3 states - North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia - to get from eastern Virginia to Florida.

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Florida, Virginia, and New York.

What states are between Georgia and Florida?

The two states share a common border; Florida is to the south of Georgia

How many stamps are required to mail from Virginia to Florida?

Postage is the same from anywhere in the United States to anywhere else in the United States; the cost only goes up if the weight is over an ounce, or if the destination is another country. (Virginia and Florida are both states.)

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There are three states between Pennsylvania (PA) and Virginia (VA): Maryland, West Virginia, and Delaware.