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an increase in compulsory school-attendance laws
an increasingnumber of laborersworked land they would never own.
Post war is after World War II; 1945. Post cold war is after the cold war; 1990 (even though the papers were signed in 1991).
The Palmer Raids (1919-1920) involved mass arrests and deportation of suspected communists and radicals at the height of the post-World War I era red scare.
I don't know u tell meh
Post civil war.
It improved it
The post war era.
The Cold War
The post-Civil War era in which the Confederate states were recovering.
post war (World war 2)art NouveauMemphisBauhaus
Post Civil War era.
The post-war era.
an increase in compulsory school-attendance laws
States and local Government to restrict the freedoms of African Americans
September the 3rd, 1939. An era is just a variable amount of time, for example the post war era was from 1945 to the 1960s/1970s. The invasion of Poland was arguably pre war, because war hadn't started when they invaded.