Answer this question… They set boundaries between the Western powers and their rivals in the Eastern bloc.
Answer this question…The iron curtain
The Iron Curtain was a metaphor for the Stalin's seemingly impenetrable partition of Europe between an authoritarian east and democratic west. Among the most symbolic manifestations to the Iron Curtain was the Berlin Wall.
China is a communist country. The cold war was between the western countries and the communist countries. China supported the communist countries.
Communist nations between the iron curtain and the soviet union were found in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland
The Berlin Wall and the Iron curtain. :)
Answer this question… They set boundaries between the Western powers and their rivals in the Eastern bloc.
The Berlin Wall and the Iron curtain, its right. :)
The period of tension and rivalry between communist nations and noncommunist nations ends.
The Berlin Wall and the Iron curtain 0u0
The Iron Curtain was the line drawn between Western and Eastern Europe, or Communistic and Non-Communistic Europe.
The Iron Curtain was a term coined by Winston Churchill to describe the ideological and physical boundary dividing Europe during the Cold War, separating the Communist countries of Eastern Europe from the capitalist countries of Western Europe. It symbolized the division between Eastern and Western blocs and the restrictions on information and movement imposed by Communist regimes.
The iron curtain
Yes, the term "iron curtain" was coined during the cold war to describe the division between the Communist Soviet Union and the rest of Europe.
Answer this question…The iron curtain
The name of the agreement between Japan and Germany is called the Anti-Comintern Pact. The pact was made to direct against the Communist International.
The Iron Curtain.