The spirit of Western imperialism and Capitalist exploitation of resources. Lead to the best economic choice of Slave Labor.
Once it was illegal to import slaves from Africa, Southerners tried to increase the existing supply of slaves. They encouraged slave families to have as many children as possible.
The south did not support the newly formed Republican Party because ,the party wanted to end slavery. The south used a great deal of slave labor to cultivate crops like cotton.
Slave Labor, Tabacco, and Cotton.
Westward expansion caused problems between the north and south because, as the states there were becoming free and slave states, disagreements between abolitionists and slave owners grew to tall heights since both wanted their new home to support their ideals. This transferred to the north and south since most northerners wanted the United States to be slave free and most southerners wanted to preserve slavery in order to promote their economical and social status.
it sure does what the crap? what kind of queston is that?
The Southerners blamed the slave rebellions on the Northern abolitionists.
THE southerners blamed the slave rebllions on the northen abolitionists
THE southerners blamed the slave rebllions on the northen abolitionists
Yes, some Southerners argued that slavery was necessary for their economic survival because plantations relied on cheap labor to be profitable. They believed that without slave labor, the Southern economy would suffer greatly.
they protested that a ban would ruin the South's economy. Hope i helped :)
what is the difference between slave labor and free labor
the fat southerners got off their lazy bums and worked themselves... and people were hired for money, not because of their color smarts
The cotton gin allowed cotton to be sold for less and greatly increased the demand for it. This in turn, increased cotton production , particularly in the South. Since cotton requires considerable labor to plant, cultivate and harvest, more slave labor was demanded. Before long, cotton grown by slave labor was the economic base of much of the South.
The question of slave labor isn America was primarily seen differently by people in he south and north in the 1850s. Most southerners did not give much thought to slavery and accepted it s a way of life. In the north, movements were in place that opposed the extension of slavery.
slave labor was more important
Southerners argued that ending the slave trade would devalue their existing slaves and harm their economy, as they relied heavily on slave labor for their agricultural operations. They also believed that the federal government should not interfere with their states' rights to govern their own affairs, including the use of slavery.