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The shot that started the great war was the assasanation of Archduke Franz Ferdanand, hear to the Austro-Hungarian throne, by the serbian terrorist group Black Hand.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

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Q: What assassination triggered the start of World War 1?
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Whose assassination triggered ww1?

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria triggered the start of the Great War (World War I)

The incident that triggered the beginning of World War 1 was the assassination of the heir to the throne of?

The incident that triggered the beginning of World War 1 was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.

What world war was triggered by the assassination of archduke Francis Ferdinand?

it was the 2nd world war

What assassination triggered the first World War?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused World War I. This took place in 1914.

Whose assassination is thought to have triggered world war 1 and why?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, which led to the outbreak of World War I ----

What triggered the start of World War 1?

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian-Hungary empire by a Serbian spy.

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His assassination (by Gavrilo Princip) is what triggered World War I.

Who was archduke Ferdinand and how he influenced ww1?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on 28 June 1914 triggered the start of World War I.

What violent attack in Bosnia triggered World War 1?

The assassination of archduke Ferdinand

Were did the assassination that triggered world war 1 occur?

He was killed in Sarajevo

Archduke Francis Ferdinand's assassination triggered world war 1 when?

June 28, 1914.

Reasons for World War one?

World War I was the result of numerous influences in Europe, the most obvious centered around the Austro-Hungarian powers, Germany and the Balkans. The start was triggered by the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand. Historians are generally agreed that the war was destined to happen with or without the assassination.