I have read where Grant most regretted the Federal assault at Cold Harbor.
General Grant regretted the assault on Cold Harbor during the American Civil War. He described it as an unnecessary and costly battle in which thousands of Union soldiers lost their lives. Grant later acknowledged that he should not have ordered the assault and expressed remorse for the resulting high casualties.
His first battle was won in Missouri at the battle of Vicksburg.
Grant's victory over Bearegard at Shiloh.
The rebels sprang on Grant's sleepy camp.
It was a civil war battle- Bragg v Grant. Union prevailed.
Union troops under Grant attacking Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. It was a huge costly failure, and Grant's biggest regret of the whole war.
General Grant regretted the assault on Cold Harbor during the American Civil War. He described it as an unnecessary and costly battle in which thousands of Union soldiers lost their lives. Grant later acknowledged that he should not have ordered the assault and expressed remorse for the resulting high casualties.
The Battle of Hogwarts - 2011 Regret 1-3 was released on: USA: 15 July 2011
The battle of Gettysburg
Nothing. If regret my life then I would regret how I have lived. Life is what it is and we do the best we can.
Battle of Vicksburg
His first battle was won in Missouri at the battle of Vicksburg.
Shiloh, then Vicksburg. IMPROVEMENT Shiloh, Champion Hill, Vicksburg.
grant won the battle, the union army
General Grant was criticized for the Battle of Shiloh Church because of how many casualties there were during the battle. There were reports that General Grant had been drunk during the first part of the battle.
Grant surounded the town and bombarded and starved it into submission.