Most of the bombs dropped by the Luftwaffe were high-explosive, such as the Spengbombe Cylindrich, which came in 50kg/250kg/500kg/1000kg/1800kg configurations.
Incendiary bombs were also used such as the Spreng Brand C 50 which weighed 50kg, Flam 250/500kg incendiary bombs were also dropped.
megan wrights big bombs
guns and bombs
thousandsBombing campaigns are not measured in terms of "how many bombs were dropped" but rather how many tons of bombs were used. The Luftwaffe dropped about 45,000 tons of bombs during the Blitz. Some of this tonnage was used on other locations but London received the bulk of the bombs up to May 1941.
if you mean which plane was the first to drop its bombs i am not sure, but if you mean which planes were used in the blitz the Germans used Junkers Ju 88s, Dornier Do 17s, Messerschmitt Me 110s, Me 109, and the British used spitfires hurricanes. I think that's all. Edit: Actually some of those weren't used till after the Blitz. The primary aircraft used in the 1940 Battle of Britain were Ju-88, He-111, Do-17, Ju-87 (briefly), Me-110 and Me-109.
Over 2,000,000 people were left homeless after the Blitz. Of those 2,000,000, about 60 percent of them lived in London. The death toll for the Blitz was 60,000.
Lots :)
High explosive fragmentation bombs and incendiaries.
megan wrights big bombs
They used nuclear and atomic bombs.
None. The blitz refers to bombs dropped on England, not Germany.
H.e (high explosives)/fire bombs and oil bombs
if you mean the London blitz it was air raids. bombs
guns and bombs
Nobody Counted