Reconstruction came to an end due to the Compromise of 1877(compromise came about because of the disputed 20 electoral votes from the Election of 1876). Part of the compromise was for Rutherford Hayes (candidate to receive the disputed votes which would make him president if Republican agreed to compromise) was to pull federal troops out of the South. Pretty much as soon as Hayes got into office he signed the orders to pull the troops which was the final straw to the Democrat's "Redeemer" government taking over. Any ground that Recontruction had made since 1863 was down the tubes. We would not see another effective stab at Reconstruction until 1963.
minds shifted, and people lost interest in it. Also, Democrats gained control of the Senate and House at the time. (Democrats favored black rights) minds shifted, and people lost interest in it. Also, Democrats gained control of the Senate and House at the time. (Democrats favored black rights)
The Compromise of 1877 brought Reconstruction to an end. After Rutherford B. Hayes was elected president, he had agreed to remove federal troops from the south.
1877When the last federal troops were removed from the south.
Representation of the South increased because more Southern states were created during Reconstruction.
President Hayes kept removes troops from the South. The order was given on May 1st, 1877. The decision to end Reconstruction and return the rule to Southerners, soon resulted in the disenfranchisement of the Blacks in the South.
federal intervention ended in the south
The Compromise of 1877 was the event that ended Reconstruction. The compromise did more than just end Reconstruction, it also settled the 1876 Presidential election dispute and removed federal troops from the South.
radical republicans lost power
south troops were moved out
federal intervention ended in the south
1877When the last federal troops were removed from the south.
Rutherford B. Hayes - Byron J Espinal
Representation of the South increased because more Southern states were created during Reconstruction.
President Hayes kept removes troops from the South. The order was given on May 1st, 1877. The decision to end Reconstruction and return the rule to Southerners, soon resulted in the disenfranchisement of the Blacks in the South.
federal intervention ended in the south
federal intervention ended in the south
federal intervention ended in the south
about half
The Compromise of 1877 was the event that ended Reconstruction. The compromise did more than just end Reconstruction, it also settled the 1876 Presidential election dispute and removed federal troops from the South.