The Civil War stimulated the growth of the American economy in the North because of war production. Although the South also produced armaments, the economy was ruined because so many of the farmers were away in the Confederate armies. So the price of every type of food, clothing and other basics became scarce and skyrocketed in price. After the Civil War the North's economy saw a boom in the building of the railroads, industry, commerce, and the opening up of the West. The South was defeated and had to be rebuilt. The freeing of the slaves and the horrors of Reconstruction further hindered the growth of the economy. The South's economy was wrecked. The entire region took many decades to recover.
While the South was mainly still basing the economy on agriculture (mainly cotton), the North based their economy on industry. (This formed their opinion on slavery: They did not have an agricultural industry (and therefore a stronger need for slaves), so slavery seemed more cruel to them.
The economy in the South was completely destroyed while in the North it prospered.
The economic damage to the South was severe due to the fact that most of the battles were in Confederate territory. This caused a sometimes deliberate destruction of Southern property. 40% of Southern livestock and half of its farm machinery were destroyed. The economy of the South was so damaged that in 1900, only 75% of its production had been recovered.
god is good and he is worthy to be praised.
The American Civil War was caused not by slavery but by economic factors.
Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America. ______________ But he did not lead the south into the Civil War he led them DURING the civil war.
Improvements in irrigation
Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States of America during the Civil War. Jefferson Davis wa President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
god is good and he is worthy to be praised.
god is good and he is worthy to be praised.
it caused the civil war it caused the civil war
No. The Civil War was caused by economics and the invasion of the south by the north.
America's Civil War was created in 1988.
The causes of the civil war were complex. Not just one state caused it
The first slaves were brought to America. They were more indentured servants though.
It depends which civil war you are referring to.
there are none in "civil war". My god
Slavery caused the civil war
Hinton Helper wront "The Impending Crisis in the South" It was an influnetial book in the 19th century stating that Southern America better industrialize and stop depending on Northern machinery. Pre Civil War
The Civil war.