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Poor hygiene and camp sanitation contributed to the high rate of disease during the US Civil War.

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Q: What caused dysentery during the civil war?
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How was dysentery cured during the civil war?


What caused diarrhea during the Civil War?

The two most common intestinal diseases that afflicted soldiers during the American Civil War were diarrhea and dysentery. Dysentery alone was the cause of more than 95,000 of the 620,000 war deaths during the Civil War.

What illnesses prevalent during the civil war?

There were several illnesses which claimed lives during the Civil War. Some of those illnesses were dysentery, measles, typhoid, and pneumonia.

Number one killer in the civil war?

The number one killer in the Civil War was dysentery. This caused severe dehydration and diarrhea and many soldiers died from bowel disorders.

Can dysentery kill you?

During the Civil War, dysentery killed more Union soldiers than the Confederacy did. Before penicillin and sulfa were invented, dysentery and diarrhea were fatal diseases--and in the Third World, where medical care is nonexistent, they still are.

What disease killed the most soldiers during the Civil War?

Most of the common diseases that killed troops on both sides of the American Civil War include dysentery, malaria, pneumonia, measles, typhoid and tuberculosis. The worst out of the bunch was by far dysentery. This one disease accounted for around 45,000 deaths in the Union army and around 50,000 deaths in the Confederate army. The diseases that killed the soldiers were malaria and small pox.

What was the Main intestinal disorders in the civil war?

The Trotts, Loose bowels, dysentery

What are the main diseases of the civil war?

dysentery, malaria, pneumonia, typhus, TB

What Years did outbreaks of Dysentery occur in America?

The Civil War (1861-1865)

What is leaving to form a new country during the civil war?

Secession. The civil war was caused by the secesion of the Southern states.

What caused the large excess of cattle in Texas after the Civil War?

Many farms and ranches were neglected during the civil war.

How many people died from malaria during the civil war?

It is estimated that 11,000 people died from measles during the Civil War. Dysentery was the worse disease to kill soldiers, it is estimated almost 100,000 died from it.