Ever hear of Pearl Harbor? Japanese bombed pearl harbor. Since Japan and Germany were allied we automatically were at war with Germany too.
Maybe true, though they did lend the UK many £££ (or is that $$$) and UK purchased these warfare vehicles and fighting men from us, UK only recently paid off the debt to the USA a few years ago, think it was 2006.
"lease lend"
Seems like the USA likes to keep the wars going as its very profitable, but that's only my opinion.
The United States became involved in Vietnam because they wanted to stop communism from happening in that part of Asia.
it led to increased u.s. involvement in vietnam - apex
It enabled the United States to become "the great arsenal for democracy"
It enabled the United States to become "the great arsenal for democracy."
No, but he did become a moving spokesperson talking of war and that the United States should join it.
America did get involved
To stop the spread of communism:))
Global events affect the United States.
The United States became involved in Vietnam because they wanted to stop communism from happening in that part of Asia.
Many people were concerned about this suggestion. They felt that the United States should remain focused on the Monroe Doctrine and on maintaining influence in the Western Hemisphere. They felt that the United States had nothing to gain from getting more involved in the issues in Europe and around the world.
France became allied with the future United States after the Battle of Saratoga.
The United States entered the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Most historians accept the year 1961 as the first year of military involvement.
In the United States, no. In fact, companies become actively involved in defeating attempts to label GMO foods by states.