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i dont know maybe you should look in your book smart one

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Q: What caused the rise of the money issue in American politics?
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What were the aims of the Filipinos in the Philippine and American war?

to get money.

What was the problem caused when congress borrowed money for war?

never using this agaon

Why do countries go to war?

Countries go to war for many different reasons, some dictatorships never reveal why they invaded a country. Wars are mainly caused by greed (money, oil). Land disputes and reliougous disputes usually top it off.

What were 3 problems that lead to the Civil War?

There was one basic issue on which everything hung. That was called state's rights. In the Constitution, it said that a state could secede on any grounds. What the history books don't teach is that on 5 different occasions, the North, especially New England, threatened to secede if they didn't get their way. This lead to the Missouri Compromise. Yes, slavery was an issue, but the majority of the Southern people did not own slaves and did not approve of slavery. The other side of the coin is that the North was all for letting the slaves free without giving them anything of any value, like money they had earned or a trade. Most of the Southern people, though, were all for manumission. This was giving the slave a trade to learn, like smithing or masonry or something like that. The slave would make money, all of it would go to the master. Part of it was to pay the master back, but most of it was for the slave when he or she (women and children were also part of this) was free. The master kept the slave's rightful money so the slave wouldn't lose or spend that money. Also, they were taught to read and write like others. When the slave had worked off his commitment, he was given the money he had earned and a document, signed by the owner, saying that he was a free man. first of all, the southern states seceded, which caused great conflict. slavery was a major issue that contributed to the beginning of the civil war. also, politics had a part in this. the northern states, being the abolitionists, had a great more number of people in the House of Representatives than the south did. the slaves were the basic reason that the southern economy was prospering, and abolition would ruin it all for the south. i hope that helped! :)

Does the pound sterling still exist?

YES!!! Today in exchange rate markets it is referred to as' GB pounds'. equivalent to US Dollars. 'Sterling' does not indicate the country of issue of the money, , but 'GB' indicates the country of issue. Personally, I feel 'Pounds Sterling' is a far better description. !!!!!

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Money was not important in politics until the 1960s

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Someone who does something wrong and causes a big issue to be made of it, as in, "The politician caused a scandal when he stole taxpayers money."

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It didn't. The only real link is the fact that much of the money problems that caused the French to rebel was caused by the American's failure to repay debts owed.

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The American Medical Association (AMA) -American Government & Politics Today, Texas Edition.

What is involved in politics?

Money and power.

Are there such a thing as a half coin penny in American money?

Yes the US did make Half-Cents, the last year of issue was 1857.

What did presidents Jackson issue to slow the inflation caused by the proliferation of paper money and to restrict land expansion?

President Jackson issued the Specie Circular of 1836

What did president Jackson issue to slow the inflation caused by the proliferation of paper money and to restrict land expansion?

President Jackson issued the Specie Circular of 1836

What was the major issue in federal politics between 1884 and 1896?

The major issue in federal politics between 1884 and 1896 was the debate over economic policies, particularly the issue of monetary policy and the role of the gold standard. The Democrats advocated for the expansion of the money supply through the coinage of silver to support farmers and the working class, while the Republicans favored the maintenance of the gold standard to protect the interests of creditors and business owners. This issue played a significant role in shaping the political landscape during this period, culminating in the 1896 presidential election, known as the "Battle of the Standards."

What is inherently involved in politics?

Money and power.