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Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade.

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Q: What city had the first fire brigade?
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Was Edinburgh the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade?


What was the city and life in Philadelphia in 1790's?

Whatever it was, it was greatly enhanced by Benjamin Franklin's founding the first Fire Brigade in America in 1736.

In which city is the MFB the Metropolitan Fire Brigade located?

The MFB, the Metropolitan Fire Brigade is located in Melbourne, Australia. It is also known as the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board and the headquarters are located in east Melbourne.

What equipments are there in a modern fire brigade?

first they pick the phone up then they answer it :)

Did Benjamin Franklin start the first volunteer fire brigade?

yes he did

When do you call the fire brigade?

We need the fire brigade when something is on fire or if someone needs help

What is Cleveland Fire Brigade's population?

Cleveland Fire Brigade's population is 550,000.

What is London Fire Brigade's population?

London Fire Brigade's population is 7,753,600.

When was Jamaica Fire Brigade created?

Jamaica Fire Brigade was created in 1871.

When was Dublin Fire Brigade created?

Dublin Fire Brigade was created in 1862.

What is the population of Dublin Fire Brigade?

The population of Dublin Fire Brigade is 1,000,000.

When was The Fire Brigade created?

The Fire Brigade was created on 1926-12-20.