

Best Answer

They wore the same kind of clothes we wear now. Women wore dresses, skirts, blouses, slacks, blazers, wool coats, dress shoes, practical shoes and on their head they wore hats and scarves. The men wore suits, slacks, button down shirts, tee shirts, work clothes, boots, leather shoes and jeans with tees. Teenagers wore the same as adults and the Hitler youth wore their uniforms. The military had many styles of uniforms. The children wore the same kind of clothes worn in America. They had jeans, sneakers, leather shoes, tee shirts, button down shirts, dresses, skirts, dress shoes, little suits for boys and wool coats and jackets.


Germans during WW2 never wore jeans and tee shirts. T-shirts were worn as undershirts. Wearing them as everyday clothing was unheard of in Germany.

Sneakers were never worn as casually as they are today. Runners were used on the sports fields/gyms only. Leather shoes were the norm.

Some areas still wore the traditional Trachten which was leather short pants with leather suspenders, white shirt and a hat with a bristle bush. Long pants with shirt and jacket was worn otherwise.

It was rare for a woman (not unheard of but rare) to wear slacks in public. This was frowned upon. Nazis had a very strict view of women's role and it was not particularily advanced. In some areas women still wore the Dirndl which was a a loose blouse, with a skirt and apron. Normally they wore a dress or skirt with blouse. The skirt was hemmed below the knee. Sturdy leather shoes would also be worn. Again, women did not wear sneakers in public.

Children did not wear the same type of clothing as those in the US. There was a distinct difference in styles. Some wore uniforms to school (Hitler Youth) but normally they wore what their parents chose for them, long woolen pants and white shirts or short pants and white shirt. Girls would be in dresses or skirts. Girls didn't wear jeans or sneakers, this would never have been allowed because it would be seen as too informal and inappropriate.

Society was much more formal than it is today.

German uniforms were varied. Depending upon what service the soldier was in and the season.

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12y ago
Field Tunic (Feldbluse) Model 1936

When the Nazis came to power in early 1933 the Reichswehr, the armed forces of the Weimar Republic, were near the end of a two-year project to redesign the Army Feldbluse (field-blouse). Beginning in that year the new tunic was issued to the Reichsheer and then the rapidly-growing Wehrmacht Heer, although minor design changes continued to be made until the appearance of the standardized Heeres Dienstanzug Modell 1936. The M36 tunic still retained the traditional Imperial and Reichswehruniform color of grey-green "field gray" (feldgrau) [1] wool, but incorporated four front patch pockets with scalloped flaps and pleats (on Reichswehr tunics the lower pockets were internal and angled). The front was closed with five buttons rather than the previous eight, and the collar and shoulder straps were of a darkbottle-green instead of the Reichswehr grey. Compared to the Weimar-era uniforms the skirt of the feldbluse was shorter and the tailoring was more form-fitting due to Germany's adoption of mechanized warfare: soldiers now spent much time in the confined space of a vehicle and a shorter jacket was less likely to pick up dirt from the seats.[2] It also included an internal suspension system, whereby a soldier could hang an equipment belt on a series of hooks outside of the tunic. These hooks were connected to two straps inside the lining, which spread the weight of equipment without having to use external equipment suspenders. The M36 was produced and issued until the very end of the war, though successive patterns became predominant.

SS field uniforms were of similar appearance externally but to fit their larger patches had a wider, feldgrau collar, and the lower pockets were of an angled slash type similar to the black or grey SS service-dress. Due to supply problems the SS were often issued army uniforms.

"M40" Tunic

The M40 uniform was the first design change in the standard army uniform. It differed from the M36 only in the substitution of feldgrau for the bottle green collar and shoulder straps, which began to be phased out in 1938/39, though most combat examples show this variation appearing in 1940, hence the unofficial M40 pattern. The troops liked the older green collars, and M40 (and later) tunics modified with salvaged M36 collars or bottle-green collar overlays are not uncommon.

"M41" Tunic

The M41 is exactly the same as the M40, but with a 6 button front due to the decline of material quality, which by now was 50% or more viscose rayon and recycled shoddy. SS-specific uniforms nonetheless stayed with 5 buttons.

"M42" Tunic

The M42 is essentially an M40/41 tunic, but with pleats removed from all the pockets to save on materials and production time.

"M43" Tunic

The M43 saw the removal of all pleats and scalloped flaps from the field tunic, and pockets began to be cut straight rather than with rounded edges. Many M43 tunics were made with a much simplified version of the internal suspension system, or omitted it entirely.

Field Blouse Model 1944

In late 1944, in order to cut down on tailoring and production costs, the Wehrmacht introduced the M44 pattern uniform. Similar in appearance to the British Battle Dress or the related US "Ike" jacket, the M44 was unlike any other German pattern uniform, and the first major deviation in uniform design since 1936. The tunic skirt was shortened to waist length, an internal belt was added, and the tunic could be worn with an open or closed collar. The color was the new "Feldgrau 44", a drab greenish-brown. The rarely used and complicated internal suspension system was finally dropped. German insignia was still worn (breast eagle, collar Litzen and shoulder boards).[3] Except for the elite Panzer-Lehr-Division, which field-tested the new uniform in summer 1944 before its approval for general issue, the M44 was usually seen at the front only in the war's last months and generally on the greenest of troops: new replacements, teenage Flakhelfer, and Hitlerjugend and Volkssturmmilitia.


M22 (M36)

Originally the M1936 tunic was worn with the same slate gray (steingrau) trousers that the Reichswehr had introduced in 1922. These were high-waisted, straight legged, button-fly trousers with suspenders (braces) and three internal pockets plus a watch-pocket; in the field they were worn tucked into jackboots.


In 1940 contractors were ordered to discontinue the manufacture of steingrau fabric and instead produce trousers from the same feldgrau cloth as the tunic; however Army depots continued to issue existing stocks and the older dark trousers were still frequently seen until around 1942.


A new design of field trousers was introduced in 1943, replacing the old World War I style straight legged "Langhosen". New features included tapered ankles (to help fit with new ankle boots and gaiters, which replaced jackboots beginning in 1941/42), reinforced seat, and loops to allow a trouser belt to be used. They were the German soldiers' favorite and most robust trousers, and were produced right up to the end of the war.

Field caps

Side cap (Feldmütze) M34/M38/M42

The original soft cover for the Heer, introduced in 1934, was a folding garrison or envelope cap in feldgrau wool, similar to that worn by American, Soviet and RAF personnel but with a "scoop" in the front; the Schiffchen ("little ship") was popular, convenient, and worn throughout the war. Variants in black wool and olive cotton were issued with the Panzer and tropical uniforms. Insignia consisted of an embroidered national emblem (Wehrmachtsadler) and red-white-black cockade, and (until 1942) an inverted chevron (soutache) inWaffenfarbe. Officers' caps (M38) were piped in silver or aluminum (gold for generals). A variant appeared in 1942 with a two-part "fold" intended to serve as ear flaps in cold weather, secured by two front buttons: this was rapidly overtaken by the M43 field cap.

Visored field cap (Einheitsfeldmütze) M43

M43 field cap

Since before World War I German and Austrian mountain troops had worn a visored "ski cap" (Gebirgsmütze) with turn-down ear flaps secured in front by two buttons. A version of this cap with longer visor, false turn-down, and slightly lower crown in olive cotton twill had been issued with the tropical uniform. In 1943 a similar cap in field-grey wool with a visor intermediate in length between the mountain and tropical versions was issued to all troops for field wear only; it quickly became the most commonly-seen soft headgear at the front. Insignia was similar to that of the side-cap, although the eagle and cockade were both worn above the turn-up. A black version was issued to Panzer crewmen.

Peaked cap (Schirmmütze)

The dress, service and walking-out cap for all ranks [4] was the peaked cap as finalized in 1934. The semi-rigid band was covered in bottle-green fabric, and the stiff visor was made of black vulcanized fiber or (occasionally) patent leather. The oval wool crown was stiffened with wire into a curved "saddleback" shape with a lofty front. Insignia consisted of the national cockade surrounded by an oakleaf wreath on the front of the band, with the Wehrmachtsadlerabove; these were stamped aluminum or sometimes embroidered in bullion for officers (silver for company - and field-grade officers and gold for generals). The edges of the band and crown were piped in Waffenfarbe. Enlisted men wore the cap with a black leather chinstrap; officers wore a pair of braided silver or aluminum cords (gold for generals). NCOs were authorized to wear the Schirmmütze when the uniform of the day prescribed the field cap.

Officers' caps were frequently private-purchase and had covers of higher-quality fabric; these were often interchangeable and included summer white and tropical olive versions as well as feldgrau.

Officers' "old style" field cap or "crusher"

At the same time the M34 side-cap was introduced for enlisted wear, a foldable field cap for officers was authorized. Superficially resembling theSchirmmütze, this cap had a crown of significantly smaller diameter without the wire stiffener, a soft band, and a visor of flexible leather or feldgrauwool. Insignia were jacquard-woven; although no chinstrap was authorized officers often added the Schirmmütze silver cords. This cap was officially replaced by the officers' Schiffchen M38, with a wear-out date of 1 April 1942, but this order was generally ignored and the popular "Knautschmütze"was worn (and sometimes privately made) throughout the war, coming to be known as the ältere Art(old style) field cap.

Officers and NCOs in the field would sometimes remove the wire stiffener from the Schirmmütze to achieve the "crush" look, especially tank crewmen (to facilitate wearing headphones); this unauthorized but widespread practice should not be confused with the true "crusher."


In 1935 the Wehrmacht adopted a lower, lighter version of the M1916/18 "coal scuttle" helmet; this became the ubiquitous German helmet of World War II, worn by all branches of the Wehrmacht and SS, police, fire brigades and Party organizations. Collectors distinguish slight production variants as the M35, M40 and M42. Heer helmets were originally painted "apple green," a semigloss feldgrau somewhat darker than the uniform color; wartime factory and field painting covered a gamut from very dark black-green to slate-grey to olive-green (and sand-yellow in Africa), increasingly in matte or textured paint to eliminate reflections. The Army began issuing camouflage helmet covers in 1942, first in splinter-pattern and then in the swamp/marsh or "water" pattern; these were never plentiful and individual soldiers frequently improvised helmet covers from Splittermuster [splinter-pattern] Zeltbahn fabric, or (less frequently) hand-painted their helmets in camouflage patterns. Soldiers would also cover their helmets with netting or chicken wire into which foliage could be inserted.

Prewar and early-war Army Stahlhelme had shield-shaped decals on either side, black-white-red diagonal stripes on the right and the Heeresadler (Army eagle) in silver-grey on the left; in 1940 the national colors and then in 1943 the eagle were discontinued, and existing decals were often covered up during repainting.

BootsJackboots (Marschstiefel "marching boots")

The calf-high pull-on jackboot had been the traditional footwear of the German soldier for generations. The Wehrmacht boot was little different from that of World War I: made of brown pebbled leather (blackened with polish), with hobnailed leather soles and heel-irons. Trousers were worn tucked inside. Originally 35-39 cm tall, the boots were shortened to 32-35 cm in 1939 in order to save leather. By 1940 leather was becoming more scarce and issue was restricted to combat branches, and in 1941 jackboots were no longer issued to new recruits. By late 1943 production of jackboots had ceased altogether. However, as late as fall 1944 depots were encouraged to issueMarschstiefel to infantry and artillery, to the extent they were available.

Officers' boots were knee-high and more form-fitting, and (as usual) often private purchases of superior quality. They were to be worn with breeches; however, these technically were not "riding" boots, differing somewhat from the Reitstiefel worn (with spurs) by regiments with cavalry traditions.[5] By order dated 31 October 1939 most officers in the front lines wore the shorter EM boots with Langhosen or Keilhosen, but some ignored regulations and wore their kneeboots anyway.

Ankle boots (Schnürschuhe "lace-up shoes")

From 1937 each recruit was issued a pair of ankle-height work boots for basic training, and kept them for fatigue duty and the like. Beginning in 1940 the Army ceased issuing jackboots to rear-area personnel and authorized the wearing of the utility boots with the field uniform; canvas gaiters or Gamaschen were issued for this purpose. From 1941Schnürschuhe were authorized for combat units as well, and the only footgear issued to new recruits; by 1943 their wear had become universal.


Also in 1935 the Heer introduced a new service tunic for officers and senior NCOs. This was broadly similar to the other-ranks tunic, but differed in detail: the collar was of a taller, more pointed rise-and-fall type, the shoulders were padded, the sleeves had deep turnback cuffs, there was no internal suspension system or grommets for belt hooks, and there were two ramp-buttons at the back of the waist to support the belt. Since officers had to purchase their own uniforms, many of these tunics were either tailor-made or produced by gentlemen's clothiers, and if purchased for service dress for the most part used high-quality wool gabardine (Trikot), doeskin or whipcord. For this reason the officers' Dienstrock did not undergo the cost-saving changes which affected the enlisted M36, and kept its green collar and scalloped, pleated pockets throughout the war. After the Army authorized wearing the collar open with a necktie in 1943, some officers' tunics were made with fixed lapels like the Luftwaffe Tuchrock.

Trousers were either slate-grey (later field-grey) Langhosen, or breeches worn with high boots. Generals and General Staff officers wore wide trouser-stripes of scarlet or carmine-red, respectively.

Although the M35 remained the regulation service-dress uniform, soon after the outbreak of the war officers in combat units of the rank of regimental commander or below were ordered to wear the more practical (and less conspicuous) other-ranks uniform for frontline service, and save the "good" uniform for walking-out, office and garrison wear; some of these EM tunics were privately modified with French cuffs and officer-style collars. Nonetheless, many officers ignored regulations and wore the Dienstrock at the front, sometimes even with breeches.

Dress UniformsWaffenrock">WaffenrockThe Waffenrock (military coat) was descended from that introduced by the Prussian Army in 1842 and rapidly adopted by the other German states. In its Wehrmacht form as issued in 1935, it was a formfitting thigh-length eight-button tunic of fine feldgrau wool, without external pockets. The collar was taller than the service tunic and bore more elaborate Litzen, embroidered all in silver-white and mounted on Waffenfarbe backing; smallerÄrmelpatten, which is similar in appearance to, though not to be mistaken for Litzen, appeared under the buttons on the dark-green Swedish cuffs.Waffenfarbe piping also edged the collar, cuffs, front closure, and elaborate scalloped rear vent.

Officers wore a formal belt of silver braid. Trousers were steingrau, with the outer seams piped in Waffenfarbe.In the full-dress uniform (grosser Gesellschaftanzug) the Waffenrock was worn with medals, aguilette (officers), trousers and shoes, the Schirmmutze, gloves, and sword (officers/NCOs) or dress bayonet (enlisted). Parade dress substituted the steel helmet and jackboots. Semi-formal (kleiner Gesellschaftanzug) and walking-out (Ausgangsanzug) uniforms were as full-dress, but without aguilette and with ribbons replacing medals.

Production and issue of the Waffenrock was suspended in 1940, and the service or officers' ornamented uniform was worn for dress occasions instead. However, the Waffenrock remained authorized for walking out for those who had or could purchase it; and it was a widespread if unauthorized practice to loan a soldier a Waffenrock from regimental stocks to get married in, as evidenced by many wartime wedding photos.

Officers' ornamented uniform (M37)In 1937 officers were authorized the optional purchase of the "ornamented" (ornamentierte) or "piped" (mit Vorstössen) uniform, to be worn as a less-formal alternative to the Waffenrock for walking-out and some ceremonial occasions. The M37 Feldbluse was identical to the M35 service tunic, save that the collar and its Litzen were the same as the Waffenrock, and collar, closure and cuffs were piped in Waffenfarbe. It was worn with the piped dress trousers. Summer white tunicOfficers and certain senior NCOs had the option of wearing a white cotton tunic from April through September. The Reichswehr "old-style" (ältere Art) model had a stand collar, a six-button front, and plain sleeves; it was authorized for barracks wear, supervising training, and attending sporting events. The newer model introduced in 1937 had a rise-and-fall collar, an eight-button front, and French cuffs, and was authorized as a summer walking-out and undress uniform. Both versions had removable buttons, shoulderboards and metal breast eagle in order to permit laundering; collar insignia was not worn. Panzer uniformSonderbekleidung_der_Panzertruppen)">(Sonderbekleidung der Panzertruppen)This consisted of black wool hip-length double-breasted jacket and trousers, with skulls [7] on the collar patches instead of Litzen and (until 1940) collar piping in Waffenfarbe,usually but not always the rose-pink of the armor branch. The color and Totenköpfe (skulls) were chosen due to their similarity to the uniforms of August von Mackensen's Black Hussars, and also for practical reasons: the black color made oil stains less visible and a short jacket was less likely to get caught in the machinery. The trousers had tapered cuffs with drawstrings and tapes in order to fit into lace-up ankle boots. Although the jacket could be buttoned to the neck in cold weather, ordinarily it was worn open-collar with a grey shirt and (in theory) a black necktie.

Self-propelled anti-tank artillery (Panzerjäger) and assault-gun (Sturmgeschütz) crews were issued similar uniforms in field-grey from 1940.

Originally a large black beret was worn over a hardened-felt helmet. This proved cumbersome and unnecessary and on 27 March 1940 a black version of the standard M34/M38 sidecap was authorized; later in the war the M43 field cap in black was worn. Officers frequently wore old-style (altere Art) "crusher" peaked caps.[8]

Vehicle crews in North Africa wore the same olive tropical uniform as the infantry, including collar Litzen; many tankers pinned their skull insignia to their lapels.

In 1943 the Panzertruppe were issued their own reed-green HBT summer field uniform. This resembled the black uniform but had a single, very large pocket on the left breast and another on the front of the left thigh.

A one-piece denim overall, known as a Panzerkombi, was issued to panzer (armoured) crews and mechanics for maintenance work and the like; crews sometimes wore it for general field service although the practice was discouraged. Originally issued in blue-grey, the Waffen-SS later used camouflage-printed examples. It featured zips running down the inside of dump leg which could be used to zip both legs together to make a sleeping bag and remained in service with the postwar German army.

Winter uniformEarly in the war this consisted of heavy wool greatcoats (a similar pattern was issued to East German border guardsuntil 1989). They had silver dimpled buttons that didn't reflect the light and were sometimes painted green to provide further camouflage. Following Hitler's invasion of the USSR the Germans found themselves ill-equipped to deal with the Russian winter and had to improvise: civilians back home were called upon to donate fur coats for the war effort until enough specialized winter clothing had been produced (this was often made by prisoners in concentration camps). Hooded waterproof parkas were issued later in the war, in white for troops on the eastern front and in field grey for mountain troops. In addition to the standard issue snow camouflage the Germans made extensive use of captured Red Army equipment, especially the boots which provided better protection from the sub-zero temperatures. There are reports of Germans sawing the legs off dead Russians then heating them in ovens so they could thaw out and remove the boots. Tropical UniformThe M40 Tropical tunics of the Afrikakorps, later authorized for summer field wear in Southern Europe, were basically the same cut as the standard army uniform but with open collar and lapels, and made of a medium-weight olive-drab cotton twill which in service faded to khaki. Also olive were the shirt and the seldom-worn necktie. Insignia were embroidered in dull blue-grey on tan backing cloth. This tunic was issued to all Army personnel in North Africa, including officers and Panzer crews. Officers as usual often purchased uniforms privately, and olive, khaki or mustard-yellow cotton versions of the M35 officers' tunic were worn alongside the standard issue, sometimes with green collars. The M40 Tropical breeches were of jodhpur type, to be worn with knee-boots or puttees: these were very unpopular and most were soon cut off to make shorts (captured British/Commonwealth shorts were frequently worn as well). By mid-1941 conventional trousers in olive cotton were being issued, followed soon thereafter by regulation Heer shorts; these had a built-in cloth belt. A chocolate brown overcoat in the same pattern as the continental version was issued as protection from the cold desert nights.

Pith helmets, ankle boots with puttees, and lace-up canvas knee-boots were also issued in 1941 as protection from the sand and hot tropical sun; the puttees disappeared quickly and the hated knee-boots were for the most part cut down to ankle length. The pith helmets, although effective against the sun, proved bulky and impractical in front-line service and were usually only worn in rear areas. For combat situations, standard steel helmets field-painted in a tan color were issued, usually vehicle interior sand-yellow (sandgelb) or exterior brown-yellow (gelbbraun). The Afrikakorps' soft cover was the M40 visored (peaked) cap similar in shape to that of the mountain troops (Gebirgsjäger). This extremely popular cap was made of olive-drab cotton twill lined with loosely woven red cotton fabric for protection from the sun and effective heat transfer from the head. It had a long visor, one-piece "false fold" rather than functional earflaps, and two metal ventilation eyelets on each side; for all but the most extreme climate conditions the M40 cap was generally preferred over the pith helmets. Also worn but less popular, except with Panzer personnel, was an olive cotton version of the sidecap.

The Luftwaffe tropical uniform differed significantly from the Heer version. Air force uniforms were made of a yellowish-khaki cotton twill that proved to be a more effective camouflage color in the North African desert than Army olive, although the latter did fade to a sage-tan color with use and sun exposure. Its cut was also considered more practical and suited to the local climate than that of the early Army tropical uniform, with loosely-cut trousers, a closed-collar tunic, and tan shirt. Unlike the Army, no special tropical overcoat was issued. Headgear, also in tan, initially consisted of a sidecap, pith helmet, or a unique tropical peaked cap design with detachable neckshade, although the latter was eventually replaced with a version of the Heer M40 tropical cap in Luftwaffe tan.

HBT fatigue and summer uniforms


Every recruit was issued a fatigue (pattern) uniform for basic training which he kept for work details, weapons cleaning and other duties likely to soil clothes. This was an unlined, insignia-less uniform made of linen or cotton herringbone twill (HBT) with two buttonless patch pockets on the skirt, originally undyed and therefore an offwhite oatmeal color; on 12 February 1940 the color was ordered changed to a bluish green called "reed-green." Other colors existed from white to cement grey. Enlisted versions had a standing collar while NCO and officer versions had collars. Both fabric and color were not unlike US Marine fatigues. Since the heavy wool feldgrau uniform proved to be oppressively hot in summer weather, especially in southerly latitudes, soldiers took to wearing their lightweight green fatigue uniforms in the heat.[10] In about 1942 the Army regularized the practice: depots began issuing an official hot-weather four-pocket field uniform of feldbluse cut but made of the same reed-green HBT material. A double-breasted version based on the Panzerjackewas made for vehicle crews. Unlike fatigues, the HBT field uniform was worn with insignia.


The Germans were first issued camouflage in 1937. During the war two distinctive patterns were in use: Splittermuster(splinter pattern) and its softer-edged variant Sumpftarnmuster (swamp pattern), and Platanenmuster (plane tree pattern). Splinter Pattern was originally used for tents but was later later applied by the Luftwaffe to the knochensackjump smocks of the Fallschirmjäger, and fashioned into camouflage smocks for the infantry, while Platanenmusterwas worn by snipers, panzer crews and the Waffen-SS. Flecktarn, an updated version of the earlier plane tree pattern, is still used by the modern German Bundeswehr.[11]

In 1945 a new 6-color camouflage known as Leibermuster, which inspired the postwar US ERDL pattern, was introduced. The colors were black, brown, olive, pale green, white, and red.

Luftwaffe uniformThe basic uniform of the Luftwaffe consisted of a blue-grey, single-breasted, open-collared jacket with four pockets and flaps; white shirt and black necktie; blue-grey trousers; black leather boots; and a blue-grey peaked cap, side cap or Model 1935 Stahlhelm. Ranks were indicated by collar patches, along with Army-style shoulder boards.

The flying suit typically consisted of a beige jumpsuit, leather flying helmet and thick fur-lined boots. Black leather jackets were also worn by fighter pilots. The eagle insignia was different from the rest of the Wehrmacht: its wings curved upward and the swastika did not have a circle around it.

Kriegsmarine UniformThe uniform for an enlisted sailor consisted of a jacket, a pair of trousers, a white and a blue shirt, a shirt-collar with three stripes, a silk neckerchief, grey gloves and a cap with two ribbons. An officer wore a midnight-blue[13] double-breasted reefer coat with ten gilt buttons and a matching peaked cap. U-boat officers could also wear jackets and over-trousers of brown or grey leather. As an unwritten rule, the captain of a U-boat wore a white peaked cap.

When U-boats put to sea, there were few restrictions on what personnel wore. Full uniforms were typically worn on departure from and return to base. Due to the cramped and humid conditions, U-boat crews often began wearing more comfortable light civilian clothing after they set sail. These included seaman's jumpers and sleeveless shirts. Lookouts would still wear ponchos and sou'westers when on duty.

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14y ago

They wore wool coats in the winter. The women predominately wore dresses or skirts and blouses. They wore pants or special clothes when they worked in the war manufacturing plants. The wore leather shoes or sometimes deck shoes or tennis shoes. There were very nice sandals they could wear. The kids wore the same thing except boys had jeans for play with striped tee shirts. The girls could wear pants, shorts and cute skirts. They had a lot of cute dresses. Mary Jane leather shoes were extremely popular with the girls. Women and teen girls like saddle shoes and flat pumps. Letterman jackets were popular too. If you want to see what they word and what the clothes looked like just watch the old 40's movies. The men wore suits and hats nearly all the time in public and at home they would take of their tie and coat to be more comfortable or wear a dressing robe over their slacks and button down shirt.

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12y ago

I finally found the link where you can get the code and other information's that you might need. I normally go through them because they are always up to date. Please visit

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15y ago

The women wore a floral dress or a skirt with a blouse .

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16y ago


This is the real answer!

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16y ago

girls clothes in world war two are stoking skirts and jumpers

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16y ago

nothing they were always naked

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Q: What clothes did German women wear in World War 1?
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