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The Commerce Compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs.

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Q: What compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs?
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During the debate over the Compromise of 1850 northern antislavery forces were particularly outraged by what they considered the betrayal of which senator?

stephen douglas

How did the Missouri Compromise effect Massachusetts?

It admitted Maine, the northern region of what was then Massachusetts, into the Union as a separate (free) state. The reason this was done was to balance the number of "slave states" and "free states." This only occurred as a result of a compromise involving slavery in Missouri, and in the federal territories of the American west.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of The Missouri Compromise?

An advantage to the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was that slavery would not be permitted in the territory that is now the state of Missouri. A disadvantage to the Missouri Compromise was that people who believed in slavery in the South could not move north to gain more land and keep their slaves.

Northern and Southern gains of compromise of 1850?

Northern Gains: California was admitted a free state, slave TRADE was abolished in the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.)Southern Gains: There were no restrictions on slavery in Mexico, SLAVERY itself was not abolished in the District of Columbia, the fugitive slave law (capturing runaways) became stronger.

What was the main provision of the Fugitive Slave Law?

The Fugitive Slave Law was part of the Compromise of 1850. Its main provision required the return of runaway slaves. Their were penalties for those in northern states who aided escaped slaves.

Related questions

Which compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs?

The Commerce Compromise addressed the conflict between Northern businessmen and Southern plantation owners over the issue of tariffs.

What Banned slavery in the northern portion of Louisiana purchase?

Missouri compromise

Why did northern states agree to allow the slaves trade continue?

the reason the northern states allowed slave trade to continue was so they could have laws they wanted passed to be agreed with by the southern states. within doing this, there was a compromise and the northern states agreed to it. so, the slaves we left as property to the plantation owners and northern states didn't have to return run away slaves to their owners.

What compromise did north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

How did the north feel about the Three-Fifths Compromise?

The Northern States were pleased by Three-Fifths Compromise.

What is the northern view of the compromise of Missouri?

The Northern states were opposed to the Missouri Compromise of 1820. They felt Missouri should not be a slave state as it would give the South more power.

Who was the three fifths compromise for?

The Northern and Southern states, and the slaves

How did the south feel about the Compromise of 1850?

The north had some supporters of the compromise while other northerners opposed it. While the northern democrats accepted the compromise, the northern Whigs thought it to be unfair to northern territories. They especially believed that this compromise would create a problem with fugitive slaves having to force slave owning farmers to waste productive agricultural time hunting down slaves.

Was the Missouri Compromise of 1850 more favorable for the North or the South?

Basically the Missouri Compromise of 1850 was a fair compromise. One problem for Northern abolitionists was that the Compromise ushered in the Fugitive Slave Act. They were outraged that the new compromise included this law.

What compromises did the north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

Compromise between north and south?

The compromises that the northern and southern states reached were the great compromise and the Three-Fifthy compromise

Popham Plantation took place in 1670-1608 in what is today this northern state?
