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Why were we there? What purpose did it serve the United States to be fighting a war on the opposite side of the earth? Why were we fighting a war that we had no intention of winning? Supposedly we were just trying to stop agression from North Vietnam into the territory controlled by our friends in South Vietnam, so we would only fight the "enemy" that came up to the DMZ, but we didn't go after the leaders by attacking the center of their power. We drew a line in the sand and effectively said, "don't cross that line... or else."

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βˆ™ 19y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Nearly anyone who protested the war/draft was questioning the national policy. The draft was an instrument to enforce US policy (the draft was needed to fight the war). Citizens questioned the "National Policy" because they feared military induction.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The military draft (Conscription) was the primary factor for anti-war protests.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Because the war was fought with draftees and draft induced volunteers.

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Q: What controversy surrounded the Vietnam War?
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What was the Vietnam war controversy?

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Vietnam Syndrome is a term used in the in public political rhetoric and political analysis, to describe the perceived impact of the domestic controversy over the Viet Nam war on US foreign policy after the end of that war in 1975.

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Human beings are not NORMALLY concerned about something, unless it INVOLVES them. When men began to get drafted into the military; they were now INVOLVED!

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No, the Vietnam War was in Vietnam

What was the name of the major war in the 60s?

the Vietnam War

Where did they fight the Vietnam war?

Air war-North Vietnam Ground war-South Vietnam

Define a Vietnam War Officer?

A military officer that fought in the Vietnam War. A Vietnam War soldier would be a "soldier that fought in the Vietnam War.

What are major characteristics of the Vietnam war?

Air war over North Vietnam. Ground war in South Vietnam; Riverine war in South Vietnam.