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He was highly motivated and could only have been stopped by a premature death.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well the main reason was that he decided to attack Russia, and history has shown that attacking Russia is never a good idea.

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Q: What could of stopped Hitler?
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Winston churchill opposed Neville chamberlain's policy of appeasement which he deemed?

Winston Churchill opposed Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement because he saw and new what Hitler was doing and new that he was getting stronger, he stood up and said this but was the only one who did so...He didint say appeasement was a bad idea he just thought after Hitler had broken his promises a couple of times he thought that they should have stopped and used aggression and stopped Hitler while they could.

How was Hitler first stopped?

Hitler wasn't stopped by anyone. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide by poisoning themselves with cyanide, then Hitler chose to shoot himself in the head. They did this because Hitler knew he was loosing World War 2 and was too much of a coward to be caught by the Soviet troops. Hitler wrote in his will that his body and his wife's were to be burnt where they died. No bodies were ever found.

Could Hitler have been stopped if the Germans' economy had been healthy and strong?

No. That was why he had to wait through the 20's, until the Wall Street crash of 1929, and the sudden mass unemployment. He rose to power by exploiting the frustration of defeated ex-troops who were hungry and ready for revenge.

At what point did Hitler conclude that he could take any territory without being stopped?

In 1936, Germany had political control of Rhineland but according to the terms of Versailles they were not permitted to have any troops in the region. Hitler chose to defy the terms and moved troops into the area. The British did not respond, nor did France. Hitler concluded at this point, that no-one would oppose his take-overs.

Could world war 1 be stopped?

Well, it has stopped, hasn't it?

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Why they stopped Hitler?

The Allies stopped Hitler because they were fighting against them and because he was destroying Europe and killing millions of people.

Could a ruler like Hitler be successful today?

No if there was a ruler that tried to start doing what Hitler did it would be stopped before it even got started because we just wouldn't allow it.

Could Hitler have been stopped if the allies hadn't punished Germany?

No. He still wanted to exterminate the Jews and take over the world.

Could Hitler had been stopped if Germany had a strong and healthy economy?

If they had a strong economy Hitler never would have come to power, The poor economy is what drove Hitler to power. Germany's poor economy was our fault after the first world war.

What was Hitler's involvements in the camps?

Hitler Didnt really have any involvement in the camps but ocasionally he stopped by .

What year was Hitler stopped?

In 1945 when he killed himself.

Could Hitler have been stopped if the allies had allowed Germany to participate in the peace talks of 1919 and not punished the country so severely?


What made the world realize that Adolf Hitler needed to be stopped?

the world realised that adolf Hitler needed to be stopped when they found out about the criminal acts of human injustice that he had been committing.

If the majority of Germany was openly opposed to Hitler could he have been stopped?

If the majority of Germans had been openly opposed to Hitler, his Nazi party might not have received the largest vote by the German people in the 1933 elections.

How was Hitler able to kill Jews?

because no one stopped him.

What did Hitler do after all the concentration camps were stopped?

nothing, he was dead.

Who stopped Adolf Hitler?

The Allies, the US, UK and Russia did.