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Historians everywhere have been trying to answer this Question for ages. Each answer is different from the next. Which is really annoying when you are doing a Project about it like me. So anybody, please find out the true Answer!!

AnswerWasnt it Germany? They had been making threats until England declared war on 3rd SEptember 1914 after ignoring their actions for ages. AnswerOfficially Austria. Because they declared war on Serbia, Russia honored her promise to defend Serbia, which in turn made Germany honor her promise to defend Austria, which in turn activated the Triple Entent between France, Britain, and Russia. AnswerYeah that's correct, Serbia was getting mad at austria Hungary , cuz they were getting too controling. So a serbian terrerist organazation called the black hand killed the archduke then austria Hungary got mad and declared war on them. And i mean , who could blame the , i'd be pissed off to if my archduke got assacinated! so nayways, yea then there were so maney alliances that everyone ended up involved. thus the world war one. Answer

It was originally Austria-Hungary, but a Serbian caused the war. You see Archduke Franz Ferdinand was in Serbia for some reason, and a Slavic independence group for some reason hated him. One member threw a hand grenade at him. Since the grenade was from 1914 it took a while to ignite and destroyed the car behind them. They were supposed to go to the hospital. The driver did not know where it was, so they drove around by a restaurant where a member of the Slavic independence group was eating. He ran outside and shot the Archduke. Which caused WW1.

AnswerA Serbian rebel fired shots at the Archduke and Archduchess Ferdinand and killed them. AnswerOk so there was a Serbian rebal with his flag and walked around with it on the Austrian's side and one of the Austrian's got mad and shot him right in the head. And then they started war and Russian rebals were defanding Serbia and Germany was defanding Ausria. And you know how I know that because I am Serbian!!
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Austria-Hungary (backed by Germany) declared war against Serbia on 28 July 1914. Germany declared war against Russia On August 1 following Russian military mobilisation. Germany's leaders are widely considered to have sought war at that time to forestall Russian economic and military growth which they saw as a potential future threat given Russia's alliance with France.

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Q: What countries started World War 1?
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World War 1 isnt pin pointed where it started its more of a question, when/why/how? The war started with Germans medling with other countries and we fought back. (: Hope this helps..

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Germany and Austria-Hungary are given credit for starting World War I, when in reality Austria-Hungary and Serbia started it.

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France and Germany were the last two countries in World War 1.

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The question is difficult to understand, but I think you want Serbia and Austria-Hungary.