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Q: What country did the US attack initially in the War on Terrorism?
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What country did the war on terrorism begin in?

The war on terrorism began in the U.S. The 9/11 attack officially marked the beginning of the war in Afghanistan and what would later spread to nearby countries attaining the name War on Terrorism because it was no longer against Afghanistan alone, but terrorism in general.

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What country is primarily responsible for leading the War on Terror?

The United States is the country primarily responsible for leading the War on Terror. The war was started with the terrorist attack against America on September 11, 2001. The United Kingdom is a strong ally and supporter of the US in the fight against terrorism.

What is the difference between patriotism and terrorism?

Patriotism is love for your country. Terrorism is hate for your country and taking actions to harm her. Most terrorism, however, is action by one nationality against another nationality, or what can be thought of as an individual or group "war" against a country.

Why did the US invade and bomb Afghanistan in 2001?

The US invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to wage war on terrorism, as Afghanistan is a hub for terrorists. The US is not at war with Afghanistan, but is working with the country to fight terrorism and keep Afghanistan out of terrorist hands. The same ideology was behind the Iraqi War.

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Can the global War on Terrorism be won

How should we respond if our country's border is attacked?

Any country whose borders are under attack would, initially, put their armed forces on alert, and on a war footing. Then, possibly, conscription of able bodied males would be enforced.

When did the us enter the war on terrorism?

They entered it after September 11 attack at the world trade and the Pentagon.

What are you fighting for in Afghanistan?

The war in Afghanistan was declared after the terrorist attack on the twin towers(the 9/11) in order to try and stop terrorism

What resulted from the September 11 terrorist attack?

The war on terrorism began, and the President started sending alot of the troops to the Middle East.

Was desert storm necessary and did it do anything to stop terrorism?

No Desert Storm was not against terrorism, Desert Storm was to evict the Iraqi Army from Kuwait and prevent them from seizing any other territories in the Middle East. The war on terrorism began after the attack on September 11th.

Which country's relationship with the US improved after 2001 when the country agreed to support the US in eliminating the Taliban in Afghanistan and in the war on terrorism?
